Am I drowning ?

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Hope POV

I've never given to much thought about how I would feel if I died, but now those are about the only thoughts I have floating around my head, while I'm drifting in a pool of nothingness.

Life has never been kind to me but I was blessed with a family that loved me against all odds, a father that was my knight and protected me from all the bad things like he said he would.It was years ago when he said that I would have nothing that scares me but even the strongest witch has fears dad.

Flashback to a 7yr old Hope

My dad knelt down before me after we took a walk through the woods.

"You my love are the daughter of Klaus Mikaelson you're going to be the greatest witch the world has ever seen. And nothing will scare you

Flashback over

I miss Naruto thinking about him brought an unbearable pain to my chest, he didn't cry much in-fact he only cried twice, the first time I saw him cry was when he killed the siren that wore my face, the second would be when I betrayed him by allowing him to never fulfill his promise of an eternity of tomorrows.His screams calling out my name in such sorrow, despair and sadness still echoes in my mind.

So yes I never give much thought to how I would die.
Would it hurt ? Would there be a long line of people waiting in line to get revenge on the daughter Niklaus Mikaelson the original hybrid ? Or would it be swift,quick and painless ?

Yeah it's none of those it's like drowning in a pit of absolute nothingness instead of water filling up my lungs I have darkness, instead of sinking in to the depths of the deepest ocean I have a void of emptiness, that seems similar to how hollow my heart is becoming,and when you try to call for help no one hears you, no one answers you because they've simply forgotten that you ever existed and to be honest I think I prefer having a long line of enemies before me as they wait their turn to kill their enemy's only heir as opposed to slowly descending into madness.

"am I drowning?" I questioned to the empty void,eyes closed and I thought back to Naruto's face,his smile, the way his orange/reddish eyes would glint in mischief not to mention that perverted smile he'd have on his face whenever he stared at my breasts. 'Gosh I miss him' I thought I don't know how long I've been in here but it sure feels like I'm drowning and his face is the only face that brings me some reprieve from drowning.
I've been walking for a very long time, I wonder where Landon's brother is I know I brought him here with me, because I'm sure he would've just created more trouble outside.

"Come to think of it why haven't I run into any monsters" i muttered to myself as I looked around, I heard footsteps echo with a voice I really didn't need to hear accompany it.

"They're all locked away" he said with that irritating smile on his face, my eyes narrowed " what do you want?" I asked taking a step back from him.

"Is that any way to speak to the guy you dragged into nothingness?" My eyes narrowed further and I crossed my arms over my chest and tilted my head at the question.

"Did I do that?" I questioned feigning forgetfulness

"You did" his facial expression didn't change much now either this guy is incapable of it or maybe he wants to get to me, and help the process of me descending slowly into madness.

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