You want to do what?

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Previously on A New Legacy:Secrets revealed

"Feels? I don't think so maybe that's how he killed one of his friends mother without blinking... your friend and mine hope so I don't think your boyfriend feels anything"

"I know you will be channeling me."

"I want to bring Nicklaus, Elijah and Hayley back from the dead"
A/N so in Naruto pain uses the rebirth to bring everyone back now my version will be a bit different. So just a warning anyways enjoy the next chapter.
Third person POV

Naruto stood with his arms at his side waiting for the reaction from the Mikaelson siblings, they both looked at him wide eyed.

"You want to do what?" Said Kol he recovered before his older sister, who still looked like she was processing exactly what Naruto had just sprung on them.

Naruto turned and looked at Kol, he leaned against the desk in the office and he repeated what he told them.

"I said I want to bring Hope's parents back from the other side" he said simply, Freya finally recovered from her shock enough to form a sentence.

"Niklaus and Elijah was killed by the white oak stake I don't think it's possible" she said He smiled and shook his head.

" yeah they did however with my Dojustu" he paused when he looked to the confused faces of the two Mikaelsons, he pointed to his eyes " it's called a bloodline back in my world, there are a couple of others, but the Rinnegan was known as the most powerful one because of the abilities it granted. It dwindled over time however I was able to activate it by experiencing a traumatic event" he said even though Hope was back it was still difficult talking about how she jumped into Malivore and disappearing for nearly 3 months.

"When hope jumped into Malivore the stress of seeing her sacrifice her life like that was enough to get me to activate these eyes" he sighed before turning back to Freya who now looked pensive and Kol who was even more intrigued.

"Well I don't think there would be an issue with being Elijah and Hayley back but if we bring back Klaus wouldn't the hollow come with it?" Asked Freya. She was shocked by the young blondes idea initially and even more curious whether it would work,but it was worth a try. The only concerning issue was the Hollow, it tore their family apart the first time she was sure it would succeed if given a second chance.

"I heard about this evil spirit and that's why I'm talking to the two of you" he said before pacing a bit.

"I'll bring Hayley and Elijah back first." He paused and looked to Freya " I need you to create a barrier or boundary spell that would keep us in it without letting Klaus escape." He turned to kol " and you and Elijah would have to hold Nicklaus down while I remove the evil sprit and seal it away so that it won't be an issue or concern for this family again"

Freya smiled a bit at that she wanted her family reunited, they were fractured and far apart , she realized that when Niklaus died he was the one holding them together. Rebekah was always traveling and kol was with his wife. Sure they had their own lives but they weren't there for hope as they promised they would be.

"Why are you doing this ? What do you get out of it ?" Asked kol finally he liked the young blonde. Though in his life he knew his family was hated amongst others for the atrocities they committed and enemies they made over the years. So for someone to just offer to reunite their family without anything in exchange was suspicious. He saw the blonde give him a small smile.

A new legacy:Secrets RevealedWhere stories live. Discover now