A deal ?

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Previously on A new legacy:secrets revealed-

But would you like to take that chance ?"my right brow raised at the stubborn woman, I watched her face set into resignation.

"What..." she stammered over her words and clenched her fist " what would you like to know?"

I leaned forward and put my elbows on my knees with my fingers interlocked, my face changed from a grin to a serious look in seconds.


Hope POV

I stared at Ryan, narrowing my eyes I didn't trust him, I couldn't trust him because if he had his way Malivore would rise and people's lives would be at risk.I sighed inwardly though the only choice I had was to hear him out.

"Deal?" I questioned " what would this deal entail ?"I questioned slowly, I watched his facial expression carefully, he had one a hell of a poker face I couldn't decipher his intentions.
I listened closely to his heartbeat to find anything irregular as I waited for him to speak.

"Well Hope" he paused putting his hands behind his back, straightening up his back as he took a step closer, I watched him carefully, my mouth drawn in a straight line with a eyebrow raised gesturing for him to continue.

"I'll tell you how to get out of here" he stopped again,now it was getting quite irritating with the dramatic buildup, if he didn't have similar features to Landon I would've thought he shared genetics with Lizzie.

"I'm assuming there's a condition somewhere in there considering the way you're pausing for dramatic effect?"I said rolling eyes at the pale man.

"I see what Landon saw in you" he said a chuckle I didn't give him a response though I'm sure he wasn't waiting for one either as he continued "Yes there is a condition Hope and that is that you have to take me with you once I tell you how to leave."

"And what would stop me from getting out of here by myself, and leaving you behind?"

"Well lets just say you won't like what I have in mind if you choose to betray me besides I thought Mikaelson's kept there word" I sighed inwardly yes our word was our bond though my father found loopholes to that particular rule all the time.

"And lets suppose I agree to your deal and leave Malivore why would you tell me all this ? I don't think its simply because you cant spend forever in here after all Malivore is your father no?"Seemed like I struck a nerve, I saw his face twitch in dislike when I mentioned his father.Maybe his poker face isn't that great.

"hmm well Hope, lets say I had my reasons for letting my father rise and reasons I will not be disclosing with you but I will say that my 'Father' isn't really winning any awards for his caring nature." He said simply his face returning to his previous mask, I really wish I had naruto's sensor right about now.

"But wait how did you know that Malivore wasn't destroyed when I jumped in? Its been very quiet since I got here too?'' I asked confused because I knew Malivore was created by a vampire,witch and werewolf so me being all three would definitely destroyed unless..My thoughts trailed off when I looked to gasped Ryan, he smirked when he seemed I had figured out the reason Malivore wasn't defeated.

"Seems you just answered your own question Hope, mind sharing with the class?'' I rubbed the bridge of my nose how could I have overlooked that crucial detail, just because I had vampire blood running through my veins did not mean I was a vampire.

A new legacy:Secrets RevealedWhere stories live. Discover now