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Previously On A New Legacy:Secrets Revealed

"Exactly! quiet rick ... too quiet I have a bad feeling about all this"

"Tonight can't come fast enough"

" well a dragon of course"

The trip to and back from New Orleans took about 3 hours in total and now our blonde ninja was walking into the Mikaelson home with Klaus beside him and the newly acquired dagger which would be able to kill the necromancer for good.

" I haven't been pleasantly surprised by many things in my long life but I have to say riding on top a dragon was definitely an experience" said klaus honestly, to be honest he wasn't afraid but understandably cautious when he approached the large beast. He realized that this new blonde who had been introduced to their family would show then plenty of new things and this was just the beginning and maybe just maybe he was slight getting used to the idea of his daughter having a boyfriend but he wouldn't say it out loud either.

"Yeah I know I was like that the first time too" agreed Naruto with a nod, they entered the dining room and heard kols voice.

"Is the world coming to an end because if Nik is smiling i must be trapped in a twilight zone" quipped Kol from his position in the room, Naruto chuckled while Klaus rolled his eyes at his brothers remark.

" I'll have you know brother I've smiled many times, in fact I believe I even graced you with one" he said while pouring him a glass on bourbon and gestured to Naruto who nodded in acceptance.

"Ahh I see well I'm glad you're getting along with my friend Naruto here" he grinned " I'd hate to lose him after I just discovered the fun of friendship" he said

"Nice to know you appreciate me Kol" he said taking the glass from klaus.

"So Alaric is having the decade dance and wants to know whether any of you would be interested in chaperoning" he said as he sank into his chair.

"I'm sure Rebekah would love to she's always loved those things when she posed as a high school student" said klaus

"Well I need another volunteer even though I'm against this entire thing I don't want our guards to be down when an enemy strikes.." he sighed " but rick thinks it'd be good for the students to have done normality with everything happening"

"Well his not wrong a dance can help ease the students" said Elijah as he entered the room.

"What about you Elijah? Fancy watching a bunch of teenagers grind their partners" asked kol while smiling and was amused by the grimace on his brothers face.

"No thank you I have business to attend to" he said not even bothering to decline politely.

Klaus laughed at his brother refusal and threw in his own comment " I'm not too sure whether Alaric would appreciate me there considering what I did when I attended the last one they hosted" his smile never left his face.

"Okay okay you've twisted my arm I'll join and my wife can too" Said kol as he stood to his feet.

"Well I'm pleased to hear you're so open to volunteering Kol." Said naruto as he stood up to his feet as well and finished his drink " I've got a date to prepare for so I'll see you later at the dance" he said with a salute and vanished in a shunshin.

"I want to learn how to do that" said kol somewhat enviously

Klaus raised an eyebrow and chuckled "of course you do you've always liked shiny toys" said Niklaus as he retired to the study for the afternoon to work on his paintings.

A new legacy:Secrets RevealedWhere stories live. Discover now