Chapter 7

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School hasn't been that hard lately. We didn't really focus on school anymore. With Voldemort being back and all. I have gotten a lot closer with Blaise and Draco. I think we are finally friends.

*in the halls*

Draco, Blaise, Pansy and I were just walking through the halls trying to get to breakfast. People were giving us weird looks and I heard them talking about me and Draco. I guess they saw us at the ball. 

"Uuu, look it's the slytherin couple." - people were saying

"Yeah, if she were my girlfriend I'd put poison in her pumpkin juice." - Draco said back

"It's fine, If you were my boyfriend, I'd drink it." - I smirked at him

We got to sat at our table and got our food.

"What was that about?" - asked Pansy

"Oh, I don't know, nothing. So, were are you going this summer guys?" - I asked

"Well I was going to stay at the Manor with Draco, but I'm sure you guys can too." - said Blaise

"Um, no. No girls allowed." 

"Yeah, we're gonna go anyway. I don't have anywhere else to be." - I said as if I didn't hear him

"Uuu yes. Summer's gonna be the best!!" - laughed Pansy

It was finally over. My first year at Hogwarts. It was ok I guess. But summer is going to be great. I never had friends to spend it with. It was never magical or anything. I was homeschooled so I had no friends. My only friends were my brothers. But one left and one died... so then I was alone. My parents hated going on trips so we spent summer at home. 

"I'll see you guys at the train tomorrow at 5"

"Byee!" - they all said while getting off the train

*at home*

"Hey mom. So I have a question."


"I'm going to the Malfoy Manor with my friends for the summer, is that ok?"

"Uh, for how long?"

"Well, like the whole summer... Please! Ever since Newt died we never go anywhere! You stole my childhood! I can't do anything anymore!" - I slammed my bedroom door 

"Hey, don't slam my door young lady!"

"I'll slam whatever I want!"

I was so angry. They held me under a glass bell ever since Tom and Newt left. We used to have great summers. We travelled the world. I don't even remember the last time we were somewhere other than home. I think the last time we were all together for summer we went to Greece. It was beautiful. I hope I can go there again one day...

"Hey hon... So I thought about it... And you're right. After all you deserve it."

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I love you mom, you're the best."

I packed my bags and said bye to my parents. We arrived at the train station. I saw my friends and I ran up to them and hugged them. As soon as I saw Pansy's hair we ran to eachother and hugged eachoter tight.

"Didn't you see eachother like yesterday?" - Draco said

"Yeah but I missed you guys." - I said while putting my arm around him shoulder 

*arrived at the manor*


"So this is my room, Blaise you're over there, Pansy and Riddle, you can share a room."

"Um, no. No offence Pansy."

"None taken."

"If Blaise gets his own room, I want one too. I mean you have more rooms for sure."

"Well there's another room above mine. But it's kinda my room too and you need to go through mine to get to it."

"Great, that's fine. I'll take it." - I run up the stairs

"Whoa! This is amazing!"


"I wasn't saying it to you."

"Damn, ok, sorry..." - we smirk at eachother

I just knew it. This is going to be the best summer ever. We are going to throw parties, swim in the pool, stargaze in the garden... Ugh, I can't wait...

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