And Then There Were Five (BxBxBxBxB)✔︎

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Chapters: 33

Reads/Views: 538K

Votes: 26K





"Ricky is a low ranked demon who's ex husband cheated on him. Seven years later, he learns that they're still technically married, but due to demon law, he's now the property of his ex's current husband. What's more, they have two more husbands for him to meet. How is Ricky going to climb the ranks of demon society when he's suddenly thrust into a polygamist marriage that he never asked for?

Trigger Warning! This story features topics of suicide, alcohol abuse, depression, manipulation, and dubcon. Please be aware that this is a drama and not a 'whirlwind romance'."

Tags: #angst #betrayal #boyslove #boyxboy #demons #depression #divorce #drama #flirting #gay #harem #hurt #lemon #malexmale #marriage #original #polyamory #polyandrous #polyandry #polygamy #power #romance #suicideattempt #supernatural #teasing

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