Chapter Thirty One ~ Teasing

Comenzar desde el principio

Our team detached from one another, and Uraraka and I stood next to Midoriya. "Hey, Deku." She called.

"Guys..." The green-haired boy muttered. "I'm... really sorry."

Ochaco and I laughed. I put a hand on his shoulder as Ochaco pointed behind us at Tokoyami, who spoke up. "I must apologize. When Todoroki was still shaken up from your first attack, I tried to grab the ten million point headband. But things didn't go as planned."

I gasped, both Midoriya's and my eyes sparkled with relief. Dark Shadow was holding a headband which read 615.

"And in fourth place, is Team Midoriya!" Present Mic exclaimed.

I squealed in happiness, as Midoriya cried waterfalls. I soon joined him, being hugged by Ochaco. As Midoriya and I cried happily, I felt the eyes of almost every student watching us. I didn't care. I only cared that we still had a chance.


"Iida you were holding out on us!" Ochaco exclaimed, doing a little running motion. I laughed from beside her, as we stood in front of Iida. "I had no idea you could do that!"

"Rest assured!" Iida said promptly, chopping his hands. "It wasn't my intention to deceive you, I was just being strategic."

"No, no! Don't feel bad!" I yelped. "It was really smart!"

Iida smiled at me and pushed up his glasses. "I'm glad to see you're still cheerful to everyone, even those who stole your points, Saki."

I folded my arms, grinning. "Friends are friends."

Iida continued on the topic. "I merely wanted to show I could compete with Midoriya."

"You're always trying to one-up each other." Ochaco said, then turning around. "Oh, speaking of which... where'd he go? Has anyone seen Deku?"

I scoured the crowd of students who were leaving the arena. "No... as a matter of fact, I don't see Todoroki anywhere either."

Ochaco smirked at me as we began following the rest of the crowd, Iida was caught in conversation by Momo, so we continued without him. "No wonder you'd be looking for him."

I gasped dramatically. "What's that supposed to mean?!"

"I think you know what I'm talking about, Akiara." Ochaco replied, repeatedly poking my shoulder.

I scowled at her. "You're worse than my little sister."

"What was that thing you told him before the obstacle course?" She questioned.

I twiddled my thumbs. "Well... I told him that he need not worry about me during the competition. I knew if something happened to me he'd probably drop everything and-- STOP LOOKING AT ME LIKE THAT!" I whacked her on the arm, continuing. "I told him if something happened he should just keep going. He did, and I'm grateful for that."

"Oh, speaking of which." Ochaco's expression turned concerned. "You should probably get your wounds checked out."

"Oh... I forgot about those." I laughed sheepishly, pulling up my shirt just a bit, to see my stomach's wound was almost completely healed. "They're fine. I just need to rest. Using my quirk's healing energy like this really takes a lot out of me."

Ochaco looked skeptical. "Alright... Anyways, continue with your story. I'm sure there's something I can make fun of you for."

"Ha. Ha." I narrowed my eyes, but they soon softened as I remembered my statement. "I knew his dad was forcing him to be the best... so I told him what I'll keep telling him. Not to win for his dad, but to win for himself."

Ochaco's eyes sparkled. "That is the cutest thing ever."


I want to interact with whatever readers I have, so I wanna ask a question at the end of every chapter I post.

If you had a quirk, what would it be?

My answer to this question, is the same thing Akiara has, hence why I made the character. I'm actually quite like our little over-active, caring and enthusiastic protagonist. I love gummy bears, have a huge crush on Todoroki cause I'm weird like that, and I have annoying siblings.

But, the quirk part, actually makes sense for me, according to my friends. They say I'm the most selfless person they've ever met, which I kind of doubt, but I also find a little bit believable. I always put others above myself, and if I had a choice, I'd die for them. Like... literally. I'd die for one of you readers, too. No joke, no cap. Literally. I love everyone and believe that everyone can have second chances.

Ohhhhhhhh that last little part is a little hint about the story but I'm not gonna say anything else.


𝐂𝐀𝐍𝐃𝐘𝐂𝐀𝐍𝐄 ❀ 𝐒. 𝐓𝐎𝐃𝐎𝐑𝐎𝐊𝐈 !!ᴅɪꜱᴄᴏɴᴛɪɴᴜᴇᴅ!!Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora