"I don't have to prove anything to you." I tossed the dirty tissue on the can.

"I'm your girlfriend."

"We broke up."

"For show!" she almost shouted. She grabbed me by the collar, forcing me to face her. "Are you fucking telling me that we're done? Because we are not done, James, not until I say so." her stares shooting daggers through my head and she had that same crazy look in her eye like the one she had in a set when we were 17. Her Dad had to put her in a Center and it took her a little over a year to recover. My jaw clenched at thought of her relapsing because of me.

I gulped a lump on my throat, "Of course not, babe."

Her eyes softened and she wrapped her arms around me. "Oh, God, I've missed you so much."

She looked up at me, waiting for a reply. "I've missed you too," I replied hesitantly.

"Hm..." she snuggled her face to my chest.

Great, I can't wait to see the transferred foundation on my shirt.

She looked up again with her puppy dog eyes, "Make out with me on the sink, babe."

"I don't think we should make out on the sink," I replied.


"I think we should stop this now."

"What do you mean? No one's around."

"We're still on a break. Our plan isn't finished yet. We shouldn't."

Her lips curve into a sneer, "Fine, then I will tell the world about your little girlfriend cooking the books. She's an Accountant, right? One call to the IRS and she'll easily be under investigation. Of course, little miss innocent would be arrested for... I don't know 2, 3 months? Could be tax fraud or embezzlement? I don't know. What I do know is that it will give me enough time to cook for her."

I chuckled, "That's not gonna happen." I turned towards the door.

"Or better yet," she said just as my hand touched the cold knob of the door. "I could out the real reason she quit her old job," she continued.

My hand froze on the doorknob.

My lips twitched. "What do you mean?"

I turned around, seeing the satisfaction in her eyes that were screaming 'gotcha'.

I walked towards her and my eyes skimmed her movements, "You don't know what you're talking about."

She frowned like a dog trying to be cute, "Don't I?" she inched closer to me, "Hm..." she spread her palms on my chest "Maybe I don't." then pushed me a little. She turned to the sink and reapplied her lipstick then looked at me through the mirror, "I just heard that she slept with higher management and everyone in the office found out."

I felt my teeth grind against each other. "How did you know that?"

"Please," she smacked her lips together. "You're not the only one with a Private Investigator." She plopped her lipstick back in her purse.

"Those are just rumors."

She turned to face me, "And I'm sure it wouldn't matter." She smirked, "You know how the media operates, Axel. They're always hungry for the juicy goss. And now that you've successfully entangled her name with yours, I'm one call away to give the juiciest information they would feast in and your little harlot would be jobless."

"Don't call her that." I sneered.

Her brows raised, "Good God, you've turned into mush. I didn't believe it at first but seeing it firsthand is quite an experience. Hm... And you know what's funny? Who would want to hire her after that? I mean, I may not know everything about professional ethics, but I know that such a scandal could have her license revoked." She smiled, shaking her head, "Imagine not being able to practice what you're still paying for in student debt." She shrugged, "Oh well, if it helps my uncle works on the Board."

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