Chapter 23. A Step Closer

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The inside of the flying machine was only a small bit bigger than it appeared outside. At first, most of the room's perimeter was taken up by shelves filled with all sorts of monster related junk: hearts, horns, skin, fur, and even eyeballs. With everything present, Link and Kilton were just both barely able to fit inside.

But thankfully, Kilton seemed to know how to make the best of limited space. Using rope attached to the shelves, he securely tied everything down to prevent anything from falling and breaking. Then, he pushed on the wall to the right. The wall flipped over along with the shelf, which was apparently built into it, revealing a built-in chair to sit in.

Link was about to sit down in the chair when Kilton stopped him.

"That's where I'm sitting," Kilton said. "Just hang on a second."

Kilton pushed the walls on the two other sides of the flying machine. The one on the left turned around to reveal a bookcase. The one directly across from the entrance turned around to reveal a bed.

"You can take the bed," Kilton said.

Link glanced at Kilton in confusion.

"It's okay, I rarely use it," he said. "I've got to sit here and keep our altitude steady using these ropes." He pointed to two ropes that came down from an opening in the ceiling, one attached to a strange device that resembled an ancient Sheikah furnace, and another that seemed to go all the way to the top of the machine. "So don't worry. Bed's yours."

Link felt guilty taking the man's bed, but he didn't see anywhere else he could sit. So he sat down on the mattress. He noticed there were some more rope attached to the wall the bed was against. Link took the rope and used it to tie his own stuff down so that it wouldn't suddenly tumble out when he wasn't looking.

Link shivered. It was freezing at this altitude. He quickly pulled the blankets aside and got under them. They were thick, thankfully, allowing him to get at least a little bit warm. But he wondered how Kilton could tolerate this. He didn't even so much as chatter his teeth. Then again, he was a monster researcher. He likely would have enough ingredients to be able to brew several spicy elixirs to keep himself warm.

"So then," Kilton said. "Now that we're settled in a safe area, would you mind sharing what you know of those creatures and the horseman? Give me as many details as you can."

Link nodded. He began recounting and summarizing his experiences with them, all the way from his first sighting on the Great Plateau, to the vision he had just seen before meeting Kilton. He included his encounter with Yusha as well, which also prompted Link to tell Kilton that he was the current incarnation of the hero of Hyrule, and explaining to him that his sword was the Master Sword. He didn't expect Kilton to believe that last part, but it seemed he did.

"Yes, yes," Kilton said. "That explains some things, like how you were able to harm them, and why this horseman appears to me too."

"Hm?" Link said.

"I had a friend, you see," Kilton said. "He and I were very close. We studied monsters together as children, and we both loved it to the point where we wanted to go into the research field. So we did. We traveled all of Hyrule, documenting all we could on each and every monster, uncovering ancient information, exploring forbidden was so much fun. I was so happy with him. No matter what happened, we got through it together."

"But sadly, he passed away recently. He came down with an unknown sickness that was unexpectedly deadly. I tried everything I could to save him, but I couldn't do a thing, no matter how many potions and elixirs I brewed. And so...he passed." He said the last part with a slight crack to his voice. It was clear the feelings of loss were still fresh.

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