Bonus !!

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hey :)

surprise! i missed writing this story so much and were about to hit 1k reads so I wanted to write a little excerpt from Harry's POV!! this is one of my fav moments in the whole book :)

some context: this is from part four- about three quarters of the way through- when Cameron wrote 'Just Because' because she couldn't sleep, and Harry caught her singing ;) it's short, but i think it's precious lol




I'm so exhausted from the day we've had that I'm out about two seconds after my head hits the pillow. I'm surprised honestly, because the amount of giddiness I have for tomorrow is consuming me.

I planned tomorrow's activities kind of on a whim, I was reading a little blog a while ago about 'Activities for Lovers in the City of Love' and I pieced together a few of them thinking it'll be really fun.

I'm most excited for the lock bridge, where I'm determined to tell Cam how much I love her. How I've loved her for a long time now but have been way too much of a nervous idiot to say it.

I've tried to say it so many times on this trip already, but stupid things keep happening that interrupt us and I feel like the universe is just having a laugh at this point. Needless to say, it will happen tomorrow no matter what.

It doesn't matter if she doesn't say it back, although I have a strong gut feeling that she will, I feel love from her anyway and it's more than words could ever convey.

It took a lot of phone calls and a few name drops- which I usually hate, but for this I had to- to make the reservation in the Eiffel Tower restaurant. It's so exclusive that people usually have to make reservations months in advance but luckily they were able to book us a table for two about a week in advance.

I'm excited to take Cam to the little bookstore café too. When I saw the pictures online my heart literally leaped because it was so adorable and I know she'll love it, and I will too. I'm nervous for the painting class because I'm not particularly artistic, but I'm going to try my best even though we have no idea what we're painting until we arrive.

I'm barely awoken by some shuffling in the room, and I feel Cam slip out from the bed and put a soft pillow in her place. I subconsciously frown, hugging the pillow a little bit and wondering where she's going. Hopefully it's just the bathroom because I'll fully wake up without her here.

I become more conscious every second she's gone, and soon I'm awake and lucid enough to hear some shuffling in the little entrance sitting area.

I sit up on my elbow, rubbing my eyes in confusion when I hear the strumming of a guitar. I sit up a bit more as the strumming gets more consistent, my ears perking up when I hear Cameron begin to sing.

I quietly rush out of bed and walk towards the sitting area, stopping and hiding myself behind the wall as she continues. It feels a little invasive, but I can't help myself and I don't think she would mind.

"I know things that you don't know, I know why the flowers grow..." She starts to sing. "Not because they're watered right, not because they see the light, just because I love you."

Fuck. What?

Is this an original? I've never heard this song before.

"I know things that you don't know," She continues in a second verse, "Why it rains and why it snows, not because the heavens cry, not because of a cloudy sky, just because I love you."

My heart is beating so fucking fast.

Fuck, all this time I've been nervous to tell her, has she been too?

As a songwriter, I know that writing is an outlet for your feelings. All kinds of them, but one of the strongest and easiest to convey is love. It's so much easier to write about your feelings in private and sing them out to nobody just so you get the words out loud. So I know that this is what she's doing.

Also, how long has she been writing? Why hasn't she told me?

"You can try to figure it out, but things like this are just unannounced..."

I have, darling. I felt the love immensely before you said it, and I can only pray it's been the same for you.

"It might not make sense 'cause I haven't told you yet..." She continues. "That I love you... That I love you."

I feel on top of the world right now as I listen to her in the dead of night in Paris, singing her own words about me.

If this is her first song, it's the biggest honor I could ever fathom.

"I know things that you don't know, all my thought's I'll never show, not because I'm unprepared, not because I'm somewhat scared... Just because I love you... Just because I love you..."

I run a hand through my hair as I freak the fuck out, not knowing what to do with myself. I run back over to the bed and sit down, running my hands over my face and trying to calm down. She finishes after that and I hear some scrubbing in her journal, so I figure now is the best time to say something.

"Cameron?" I clear my throat, standing up from the bed and walking. "Cam, are you in here?" I peak my head around the corner.

Her eyes are wide and frantic as she zips up the suitcase, looking guilty like she just got caught red-handed.

I don't think I was supposed to hear any of that.

I'm not going to say anything now, because I don't want to embarrass her even though she could never embarrass herself in front of me. I'll save that for tomorrow.

"What are you doing, darling?"

"Couldn't sleep, so I thought I know." She gestures to the instrument as she stands up.

"You really like that thing, don't you? Maybe I need to get you your own." I made a mental note, maybe I could get her one for Christmas.

"It's okay, you've spoiled me enough. Plus, I like using yours."

We crawl back into bed and I throw my arm around her waist tightly and pull her back against my chest, burying my head in the crook of her neck all while smiling like a damn toddler who just saw Santa Clause at the mall.

She loves me.

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