Part Seven - What did we just do?

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"I can take criticism. I can definitely take criticism. But if- if it's just like a 'I don't like you' then I wanna know why people don't like me." 

It's almost three am and I'm curled up on the couch wide awake. I'm watching old interview videos of Harry because I couldn't sleep. I tossed and turned for an hour while Harry slept like a rock next to me and eventually I gave up and grabbed my computer. I just opened Youtube and an interview of his was in my recommended, and since then I've fallen down a bit of a rabbit hole.

I've watched carpool karaoke, endless tour videos, One Direction performances, etcetera. Now I'm watching clips from a documentary the band did and Harry was doing an interview.

"I've always wanted to be one of those people who...didn't really care that much about what people thought about them...but I just don't think I am." He continues through my computer screen. I don't realize I've started crying until I hear a tear softly hits the cushion below my cheek.

 I don't realize I've started crying until I hear a tear softly hits the cushion below my cheek

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The video ends after that and autoplay cues a very familiar video, him and I singing 'Falling' in New York all those months ago.

Watching him at the mere age of sixteen be so torn up about what strangers were saying about him absolutely shatters me. A young, kind, gentle boy like him didn't remotely deserve any of the hate and slander thrown at him for just being himself. It makes me sick thinking that people actually thought that was okay at one point...some actually still do.

It hurts knowing that I couldn't be there to comfort him all those years ago. Tell him that other people's opinions do not define who you are or who you should be, only you decide that for yourself. I just want to be able to have hugged him when people would go on and on about who he dated and constantly ask him and make jokes about his personal life.

I would also have told them to fuck off, because it's none of their fucking business.

He was painted as a womanizer at the age he was supposed to be worrying about his history test.

But when you reflect, it's beyond words how far he's come. Ten years ago he was worried about being himself, and now he's the first solo male on the cover of Vogue. In a dress.

He's breaking gender norms and stereotypes that shouldn't have even been there in the first place and he's doing it with class.

It makes me so fucking proud how much he's grown and embraced himself. Makes me cry tears of happiness honestly, I think those are what these are.

Even though there's a very fine line between what's 'masculine' and what's 'feminine', he's fully embraced the natural femininity in him and told the rest of the judgmental world to fuck off.

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