Part Five - Without you, this album wouldn't exist.

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DECEMBER 18, 2020


"Jasmine, hurry up! We cannot be late to this thing!" I yell from downstairs. I'm so ridiculously nervous and the last thing I want is for us to walk in late after everyone else had arrived.

"I'm here, I'm here!" Jasmine says breathlessly as she comes down the stairs, heels in hand.

"The car Harry sent just got here, let's go!"

"Let me get my shoes on! Why are we in such a rush? It's only ten til nine and I figured we would be fashionably late anyway."

"People like James Corden, Adele, and Kacey fucking Musgraves can be fashionably late. I, Harry's girlfriend, cannot be late in the slightest. So come on!"

We hastily make our way out the door of Jasmine's LA house. Despite the time of year, the weather is still slightly warm. We climb into the black town car and get situated for the twenty minute drive.

We are on our way to Harry's album release party. His third album, and his second album in one year.

The record label was surprised he was able to put out two albums in such a short time, but of course they didn't question it. And neither did the god they were ecstatic. The album trended for two weeks after the announcement was made, and my Twitter timeline was riddled with predictions and speculations about the album. A lot of them were questioning why he was putting out another album, what inspired it, etcetera.

I think the cherry on top was the tour announcement for 2021...for the first half of the year Harry is taking both albums on tour all across the globe.

I know absolutely zero details about this album, not even the title. I have been sworn off of social media for the past few weeks after the announcement was made because Harry didn't want anything spoiled for me. Not sure why, but I don't want to ruin whatever plan he has going on.

Harry wouldn't even let me see the track list or listen to the single released last week. I don't even know what the entire album is about. He told me he wants it all to be a surprise tonight when the album premieres. I was- and still am- bitter he didn't at least let me listen to the single, but this is an incredibly special night for him and I don't want to ruin his plan.

So many people are going to be there many a-listers who I won't to be able to form a single word to when I met them. Jasmine will be just fine since she obviously has met them all before, but I am practically shitting myself at the thought of Stevie Nicks perceiving me. 

Another thing I'm very excited about is seeing Anne, Gemma, and my family. Harry flew all of them out to LA for a few days to come to the release party. My parents and Anne have never met in person before since they live on different continents, but she and my mom are basically best friends and they've been facetiming and sharing recipes and such for months.

"Ms. Avalon, Ms. Kay, we've arrived." The driver snaps me out of my thoughts and I look out the window to see the location- a huge red brick warehouse that looks abandoned but also looks very well taken care of. The entrance is two very big metal doors that are already wide open, allowing me to see a little bit of the warehouse already.

As Jas and I enter, we're greeted by a bouncer who asks for our names and then checks them off what I'm assuming is the invite list. The entrance is adorned with a huge wide arched tunnel of greenery and twinkling lights. There's a huge open bar with a tall wall of endless liquor, and white booths along the walls. A large dance floor sits in the middle of the room and there are vinyl records hanging from the high ceilings along with more fairy lights. The whole place feels so cozy yet so extravagant at the same time.

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