Part Two - Were you a Directioner?

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APRIL 2020


I take my bow and smile as the crowd cheers tonight. This moment never ceases to feel surreal to me- everyone on their feet clapping and whistling for you. I'll never get over that fact that I get to experience this every night; that this is my job. When the curtain drops, the cast starts to dissipate. 

"God, I'm starving." Vivianne yells from behind me.

"I second that!" Robbie shouts.

"I have leftover lasagna in my fridge calling my name. Yay me!" I say. I don't have any other plans tonight other than curling up in bed with some Criminal Minds and leftover pasta. Maybe I can text Harry and see if he wants to face time or something, but he's been so busy lately that we've only spoken on the phone twice this whole week. I understand, of course, because his job is stressful and when he has the opportunity to rest and sleep, I want him to take it instead of listening to me talk his ear off about how annoying people on the subway can be.

I stop in the makeup room and immediately take off my wig and wig cap, exhaling in relief. I truly hate the thing- of course it looks good as hell on me- but it's so itchy sometimes. I chat with Peter for a bit about him and Finn coming over soon for game night before he waves me off to my dressing room so he can pack up and go home. He and Finn just got a new puppy and he hates being away from her, she's an adorable little Pomeranian who's and tiny ball of energy.

I head to my dressing room, but not before stopping to pee though, because I downed an entire water bottle during intermission. Right as I'm opening my door, though, Lauren steals my attention.

"Cameron! Hey, me and Vivi were just talking, and we wanted to get the whole cast together soon since we haven't partied since opening night. Are you free next weekend, after Saturday night's show?"

"Yeah, I think so! That sounds fun!" I respond to her with a smile.

"Awesome! Okay, I'll send out a group text soon. Have a good night!" She yells behind her, skipping away down the hallway.

"You too!" I yell after her and open my door, stepping into my dressing room. I really, really want to put on my sweatpants- you've got to be fucking kidding me.

"No. Nope. This is a joke. You're not really here. I'm hallucinating. You know what, I'm going to go back outside, shut the door, and when-" he's laughing "-and when I come back in, you better be gone because if you're really here right now I think I'm gonna cry and I really don't wanna cry because I haven't taken off my makeup yet so I'm just gonna-" I ramble and slam the door behind me, my heart beating super fast.

Is he for real? Surprising me like this again? Does he not know that he almost made me shit myself?

I open the door back up, praying to whoever is out there that I'm hallucinating and he's not actually there because I'll actually burst into tears. Tears of joy, of course.

"Hi darling."

And, cue the tears.

"Oh my god..." I choke out, jumping straight into his arms and wrapping my legs around his waist. "How-"

"I wanted to come see you." Harry immediately cuts me off and hugs me back. "I missed you too much. Haven't seen you since opening night, so I talked to Jasmine and she told me you had a show tonight, so I booked a plane ticket. She talked to Peter, who snuck me back here during curtain call, and here I am."

Tears are streaming down my cheeks at this point. I just hug him tighter, unable to get any words out.

"I also brought food and flowers."

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