Chapter Twenty-five

Start from the beginning

I took a few steps as the walkers all grabbed onto bars and pulled themselves to a stop before they reached into my cell and I stepped as far back as I could until my back pressed against the wall. I could no longer see anything on the other side of the bars other than a wall of rotting beings. 

I need to get out of there. I knelt down on the floor in the corner where the shackles were attached before I quickly started to used my left hand to try pull the solid metal from my right wrist as I rotated it and pulled in the opposite direction - occasionally turning my head frantically in fear that the walkers have broken the door down.

Tears rolled down my cheeks from the pain of the metal scraping on my skin, creating small scratches and wounds on my right wrist. Eventually, I slipped it off and looked at the damage on my wrists. Blood was smeared all over the red skin and small gashes covered my throbbing joint. One down, three more to go. 

Bearing the pain, I continued to slipped my left wrist through the iron before I brought my knees close to my chest, reaching for the shackled that were locked around my bare ankles.

Suddenly, various gunshots filled the air and I quickly whipped my head around behind me to see the walkers dropping to the ground like flies.

I quickly hid my hands behind my back and used my feet to push myself firmly into the corner.

Soon all of the walkers had gone and I could see Jimin in his cell, arising to his feet and placing his hands around the bars to look at who it is. Suddenly four familiar faces appeared in front of the door with guns in hand. 

"Come on, let's get you out of here," Jin says as he brings a key to the lock of the cell before there was a click and he came rushing in whilst the others kept guard. 

I moved my hands in front of me signalling for him to pass me the key. 

"You got your hands free?" He questions as he passes me the key. 

"Yeah I slipped them so I could escape when the walkers started to block the cell." 

Taking the key firmly between my fingers, I unlocked my restraints before running out with Jin and meeting up with the others. 

"Come on, let's go!" Yoongi shouts before we start to run off but I stop at a realisation. 

"Wait! What about Jimin?" I say causing them to stop. 

"We don't have time Y/n, let's go," Namjoon says sternly.

"No! He saved me in the arena and I need to repay the favour. I can't just leave him in there," I say before running back to his cell. 

I fumbled around with they key in my hands before finally getting a firm grasp and opening the door before freeing Jimin limb by limb. 

"Come on, follow us," I say to him, signalling for him to follow me. 

We ran out of the prison and looked out to see outside completely untouched, inside the prison was chaos but everything looked fine here. My bare feet touched the damp and cold concrete and I shivered at the feeling. 

My body felt weak because of a number of reasons. I was dehydrated, suffering from an illness as well as bleeding out from a wound that won't seem to leave me alone. 

"Get on my back," Yoongi says before crouching down in front of me.

"W-what? No, I cant walk just fine," I say patting his back, signalling at him to get back up. 

"I don't remember it being a question," he says, causing me to sigh and climb onto his back. 

Quickly, he stood up before running as fast as he could with the extra weight, taking me to the extra school that I was told about earlier in the night.  His hands were placed under my thighs helping to keep me up and I wrapped my arms carefully around his neck, being careful not to strangle him. I blushed a little, causing me to hide my face in his neck. 

Luck was on our side because we didn't seem to get into any further trouble and we ended up in the school safely. Once we'd gotten in, we all split up into various different locations of the old school, I stumbled away from the others and into an old classroom. 

The classroom looked as though people had fled from it in a rush. Most of the tables and chairs were still in standing and in a normal position but a few had been pushed away or knocked over in a rush. Papers and bags were left on desks and on the floor. I knew exactly what had happened in here. 

Adrenaline had kept me going all along but by now I was starting to feel light-headed from my loss of blood yet again. Come on, give me a break! 

Holding onto my head, I stumbled over to the teachers desk in hopes of finding a bottle of water to relieve my headache. Placing my hand around the wooden handle of a draw, I pulled it out only to see more stationary. There were some pencils, some sticky notes, a staple gun, some staples and a couple snapped rulers. 

"Well that's pretty useless," I mumbled, picking up the staple gun, "unless..." 

I didn't like what my own brain was thinking. It would hurt a whole lot but it would stop the bleeding and if I was to continue like this I would soon die of blood loss. This was an absurd idea, but was I still going to do it? Yes. 

I was going to staple my stitches together. 

I unwrapped the bandage only to be relieved when there was only one splodge of blood on there, meaning only the front side's stitches had torn open and I'd only have to do the stapling a couple times. 

I perched upon the table to keep my balance before lining the stapler up to one of the corners of my wound with my right hand. Holding my breath, I continued to push the stapler against my skin until there was a loud snap noise and a sharp pinch in my side. My hand tightened around the edge of the desk and I breathed in and out shakily, trying to maintain a normal heart rate. Blood trickled down from where the staple had gone in and I sighed knowing I had to do this a few more times. 

Snap. Breathe. Snap. Breathe. Snap. Breathe. 

Once I'd finished I put my shirt back to normal and tried to walk. It was painful but by now my body was feeling more numb than in pain. Although I knew I was physically drained, I needed to push on and keep going until we really are safe. How long could that be? Days? Months? Years?

There was the sound of an opening door and I turned around to see Yoongi. Casually, he walked up to me and stood in front of me as I continued to sit on the desk. No words were said between us, instead he just enveloped me in a tight yet delicate hug sending butterflies around my stomach. 

"I'm sorry," his voice cracked as he spoke. 

"Sorry? What for?" I frowned as I rubbed his back. 

"The safety camp, when you were in the arena and I couldn't help you, I felt so useless," he sniffled quietly. 

"There was nothing you could have done, okay? Look at me, I'm fine," I said releasing him from the hug as he looked at me. 

"But you're bleeding out now," he said as he wiped his cheeks. 

"I'm fine, I stapled it together. Look," I said as I lifted my shirt up slightly to see the small silver strips holding together the skin that was purple and covered in dark blood. 

I smiled at him and he returned it before helping me off the desk and stretching his arm around my back and supporting me with his hand under my armpit. My face went slightly red at the close contact but I shook it off. 

"The others have some food and water that they stole, c'mon let's go out to the corridor."

As we walked out of the door, everyone else was there apart from Jimin. 

"Where's Jimin?" 

"The blonde kid?" Hobi asked me. 


"Oh he's waiting for us by the supplies," Hobi confirmed.

With that, we all started to walk through the corridor, it was a long, dark corridor. There was no electricity in this school, it must have cut out not so long ago. Yoongi continued to support me but we all paused when the sound of a gun cock-back behind us.  

a/n: happy birthday to our lil meow meow! Also don't forget to vote BTS for the grammy's Harry Styles is really close behind.

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