"He's the damn murderer."

Meanwhile Katie's POV

Tw: mentions of rape/sexual assault.

I look down at my ankle and back up, just to see Levi pointing the gun at me.

"what are you doing" I ask.

And then he lifts his gun and shoots a Z behind me.

"you weren't afraid that I would shoot you, were you, sunshine?" he taunts with a smirk. He helps me stand up, while looking up the window we jumped from.

"weird" he notes then looks at my feet, "is your ankle, okay?" Levi asks, I nod. Noah stands in front of us with an anxious face, and we walk towards him. Suddenly I feel a sharp pain at the lower part of my stomach. I touch where my wound was before, only to feel my hand getting wet. Levi stands beside me and he doesn't know what to do at all.

I pull back to see my hand covered in blood, it's now that I notice Levi panicking, because of his actions not because he said anything, his expression was enough.

"come on, let's go" I say, while I take my backpack and swing it onto my right shoulder and take Noah's hand in my left hand.

"I can take that" Levi says, while pulling my backpack from my shoulder. He is already carrying 2 bags; no, he won't take mine.

"no, you wo-"

"I don't fucking care what you want, right now I know that you are bleeding, and I won't let you die, so shut up for once."

First time in a long time I feel speechless, I am shocked, and by Noah expression I can see that he feels the same way.

"now can we fucking go, those Z will find a way to us." he says, less harshly this time. I just nod and follow him. After 15 minutes we are at a secluded spot, and alone at that.

"can I get my backpack now?" as a response I only get a glare back. I don't like him carrying everything. I scan the area.

"there" I point at a shopping cart, and slowly run to it. Levi understands and puts the bags on the ground in order to pull the cart out of the bushes. I could have done that too, why is he acting all macho?

The cart is ready, and I try to help him take the bags and put them into the cart, but my attempt to help fails, just by him glaring at me. Its only now that I notice how tired and sick Noah actually looks. I look down to Noah.

"hey buddy, are you tired?"


"Hop into the cart" Levi says, before I could even react, at Noah's response. I don't complain about it though.

We move forward, and Noah fell asleep in seconds. It's not as dark as before, the sky is getting more of a Persian blue color instead of navy to midnight blue. The silence is almost killing me, back before the apocalypse we would have at least heard some birds or maybe cars at this time.

"did you usually visit Japan or South Korea?"

"at least once a year with Hua, she loved it there" he pauses "where are you from?"

"I think America."

"you think?"

"yeah, I kind of grew up in an orphanage, so I am not sure about my ethnicity."

"hmm, I think that you look Italian" he pauses "are you into mafia boys" he says teasingly, and I react with a laugh that pains me. I need a break from walking.

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