20: Secrets ༄

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"Eden. Eden. E— I swear if you don't wake up I'm eating your breakfast."

Jungkook's agitated voice infiltrated her consciousness. She pried her tired eyes open to see him squatted down in front of her with his hair gathered at the top of his head. His eyebrows were downturned and his uneven lips curled into the smallest pout.

"Finally," he groaned. He huffed and stood up to his full height. "Come on, Jeffrey just finished cooking and I'm starving but Yoongi won't let us eat without you. He keeps slapping my hands when I reach for my fork."

She almost asked who Jeffrey was until the memories of yesterday flooded her brain. She blinked, trying to let the morning confusion fizzle out and adjust to being awake so she could understand what Jungkook was yelling at her about.

Food. Hungry. Yoongi. Jeffrey. Slaps?

"Mm," She hummed, wiggling to sit up. Before she could even get up fully, a toothbrush was thrust into her face. It was a kid's toothbrush, colored a pale green with a bear on the handle. At her confused face, Jungkook bit back a grin before shaking his head.

"Apparently Yoongi broke his toothbrushes a lot as a kid, so these are the only extras they have."

"I couldn't get a pink one?"

"This is what you're worried about?" Jungkook scoffed in mock anger. His teeth poked through his smile as he handed over the toothbrush, ignoring the obvious confusion in Eden's eyes.

"Thanks," she mumbled.

"We have a busy day. Well, at least you and I do. So hurry up." He cracked his shoulder and shook his head again, before turning to walk out the room. "Go brush your teeth," he called over his shoulder. "Then come out past the overlook, down the stairs and make a left at the Mona Lisa, then down the hallway and the last door on your right."

"Wait, repeat—"

The door clicked closed behind him, cutting off Eden's pleas for clearer instructions.

Now alone in the room, Eden was fully awake and aware of her surroundings. Sunlight shined into the room and glittered every surface, lighting up the gold accents and reminding her just how expensive everything was. She sighed and pushed herself up and off the bed, squinting when the light hit her eyes.

Despite it's dark past, Iphorus sure was bright.

She stretched her arms high above her head, reveling in how well she managed to sleep despite the awful start to her night. She wasn't sure when she fell asleep, or even how late it was at this point, but she definitely felt well rested thanks to Hoseok.

Speaking of Hoseok...

A quick glance back at the bed showed he was long gone— his half was made up to perfection and his pajamas were folded neatly on his pillow which meant he must've gotten a change of clothes. Eden looked down at her own clothes and wrinkled her nose, wondering if she'd get a chance to wear something better suited for her body any time soon. She'd been wearing sweats and oversized long sleeved shirts for nearly two weeks. With a dismissive shrug, she trudged into the bathroom to brush her teeth.

As she brushed, she stared at her reflection in the mirror, surveying her appearance. She stretched her neck out and turned it from side to side, glancing at the now fading bruises around her throat. They weren't really noticeable unless you stared hard enough, which was good, but they were still there; as a constant reminder of the day her life flipped on its head.

Finishing with her teeth and sticking the toothbrush in it's holder, she tried to do something with her hair. It was frizzy from days of sleeping without taking care of it, and her curls were starting to droop, meaning she definitely was due for a wash. It was hard enough to find good shampoo for coily hair in the human realm, she couldn't imagine trying to find some here. With a sigh, she used the scrunchie she kept on her wrist to gather her hair into a bun on her head, her hair now the mirror image of a certain hungry 19 year old.

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