1. how pissed are you at me right now?

Start from the beginning

When she walks in, she heads straight to the fridge for a soda. Then sighs as she sits down, "man am I glad I had the fridge and soda smuggled in." The other girls nod in agreement.

Because she had been here from such a young age she had made friends with the older students and had managed to convince one of them to get her soda and a fridge. Many of them had taken her under their wing for the first 3 years she was here and did their best to protect her from some of the horrors of the school, but once they had graduated, the best they could do was send her things to help her through.

"Are you guys ready? For the final? I don't know if I can do it. " Ashley asks with a touch of sadness in her voice.

"I mean yeah, but like no, I can't figure out what I want my signature to be," Jasmine shrugs.

"I'm struggling with my signature too, it's like all the good ones are taken," Paris groans.

Galaxy glances around the room as if judging the atmosphere. She's about to say something when the alarm system goes off alerting them that someone is outside.

When they pull up the cameras, courtesy of grads, they see a young girl running as fast as she can from a group of other little girls.

"Come on let's go help," Galaxy groans while standing up. The others follow her lead and walk out the back door, so their hideout is still unnoticed.

The group of girls chasing call out, "E20 get back here we aren't done with you! You stole it I know it!"

Paris grabs the first young girl who was running away, while the rest of us grab the four who were chasing her.

"What is going on!" Jasmine yells angrily because they interrupted our relaxing time.

One of the girls points at the one in Paris's arms, "she stole my notebook!"

Paris looks at the girl in her arms, "Is that true?" The girl looks down and shakes her head no, but Paris sees through her lie. "You're not lying to me are you?" She asks in a tone that mocks the girl in her arms. Once again the girl shakes her head, but you can see the fear in her eyes. "I think you and Galaxy need to have a talk then." Paris nods to Galaxy and they trade kids.

Having created their own language because everyone at this school is fluent in at least 5 languages, Galaxy says, "Help 'em plan a prank to get back at her that humiliates her." Paris nods her head as Galaxy walks off with the little girl.

When they finally get out of earshot of the other girls, Galaxy ties her up so she can put her down. "Now why would you steal her notebook?" Galaxy asks like a mother would.

"She... she... she said that ... that... I was worthless and wasn't worthy of being here. So I wanted to expose her name, but she didn't write down anywhere in the notebook." The girl stuttered at first but grew more confident as she kept talking.

"First of all, that is a stupid plan." The girl bows her head at the power coming from Galaxy, "Second, if you wanted her respect you have to earn it through combat. Third, just because you can expose someone's name doesn't mean you should. You have no idea what will happen to them, I've heard that they are used for the subjects in the graduation of numbers to code names if they're expelled before graduation because no one can know exactly what this place does." Galaxy scolds the girl.

The look of shame in the girl's eyes tells Galaxy all she needs to know. This girl will never try to expose another name because the graduation is known to be extremely bloody.

"How can I beat her though she's so much stronger than I am?"

"She may have strength, but she isn't that smart if you managed to steal from her. Use that big brain to take her down and if you're still scared train your ass off till you can beat her."

"I'll try," the girl sighs.

Deciding to head to the other girls Galaxy unties her and leads her back. Not talking the whole time. When they finally reach the other girls, their planning session is just finishing up.

"Now, give her back her notebook, or I'll expose your name." Galaxy demands of the little girl.

"But you don't know my name," she protests.

"Not this second, but it will only take me a day to figure it out. " Galaxy shrugs.

"Fine," she sighs, "here's your stupid notebok back." The girl who blamed her snatched it out of her hand while glaring and then they all ran off somewhere.

"So how'd you do it?" Jasmine asks while they all settle into their seats.

"Oh I just told her that the expelled students are part of the naming graduation. " Galaxy smirks. The other girls burst out laughing.

"And she bought that!" Someone asks through their laughter.

"Oh yeah, I was acting all pissed off when I told her so she wouldn't be able to tell I was lying, not that she could've anyways. "

"No wonder she was terrified when you said you would expose her name!" Someone else says while still laughing. Galaxy just nods her head.

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