Chapter 27: Girls day.

Start from the beginning

The three took the floo network to the pub and found a table to sit at. Jamie went up to the bar and got three butterbeers for the girl and returned to the table.

"So how are you girls?" Hermione asked. 

"I'm good.Life's good." Rhiannon said with a big smiled on her face.

"She's in love." Jamie told Hermione.

"I can tell. What about you Jamie." 

"I'm good, Life's busy." Jamie said with a small smile on her face. "Me  and Fred hardly have time to see each other as soon as one of the twins are never home and don't stay to help at the shop." Jamie said loudly so Rhiannon would notice.

"What we are dating." Rhiannon shrugged Jamie and Hermione just shook there head and smiled.

"What about you Hermione. We need details on your love life." 

"It's non existent. First of all I share a tiny room with my baby daddy who constantly looks at me with love heart eyes." 

"So he still loves you ." Jamie cut off Hermione.

"Yes but I don't know if we should get back together we argue to much." 

"Do you love him?" Rhiannon asked Hermione

"Well yes. I have loved the boy since like third year." Hermione told the girls.

"Then I don't see why you are not dating Ronald Weasley. You only broke up with him because of fear and when you told him the news about having a kid he was ecstatic. " Jamie said to Hermione. 

"That is true. I think i'm going to ask him to be my boyfriend then." Hermione had a big smile on her face. She did still love Ron and Ron still loved her.

"You said that Ron's room was to small?" Jamie asked Hermione.

"Yes because it has me , Ron and Harry in it most nights." Hermione told Jamie.

"Well my room is one of the big ones. I have no use for that room anymore plus when I stay at the burrow I always end up in Fred's bed. So you and Ron can have my room. I can persuade Molly to let Harry stay with Gin as soon as she lets the other couples sleep together than Ron's room can become the baby's room. " 

"Really. Thank you so much Jamie. We will have to tell Molly and Ron when we get back."  Hermione said.

The girls finished their drinks and headed off to honeydukes. Jamie got some sweets for herself and Fred as he always ate the sweets when round Jamie's place. Rhiannon did the same as George always ate all the food in the flat. Hermione got some sweets that she had said she had been craving. She also got Ron and Harry some chocolate frogs. Hogsmeade was pretty busy even though the school kids where no there as it was a week day. 

Once the girls had gone round some of the other shops and brought what they needed they went back to the burrow. When they got in they were greeted by Molly as she hadn't spoken to Jamie earlier as shew as busy in the garden. 

"Hermione dear you are glowing." Molly compliment Hermione. She blushed slightly and went upstairs most properly to Ron. "Rhiannon how are you. I hope my Georgie is treating you right." 

"He sure is Mrs Weasley." Rhiannon  said back.

"Call me Molly you are a part of this family ,dating one of my boys and being friends with Jamie." Rhiannon smiled at Molly's words then left to go and chat to the others leaving Molly and Jamie in the room.

"Hi mum." Jamie smiled.

"Jamie dear. I have missed you, you are always busy." 

"I know." Jamie laughed.

One girl , six friends: A Fred Weasley fan fiction.Where stories live. Discover now