13.) Special Guests/New Cop

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I lay in bed, holding her, thinking this is the safest I've ever felt in years. She was soft and so nice, but I did notice something rather peculiar. She had some scars all over her body, they were faint but you could tell. Her light skin was beautiful but you could tell there were dozen of scratches. She laid in bed, completely silent, barely talking and only responding with one or two-word answers.

I felt as if I was going to be put out soon and my thoughts drifted. Do I want to pack my bag and go now or later? I did have to go home and go back to Booker. I look at the time and it was already 6:00, I'm sure Booker could handle himself but I should probably go, I think to myself. I then find myself working up the courage to want to leave her side, We're dating now? I think to myself.

She then takes a deep breath and says, 'I know you have to go, but can we stay here a little while longer? Just like this? I want us to forget about our lives just for a little bit longer,' I smile as I say, "Sure, I enjoy this moment actually," I say to her, confidently. As we sit there, we talk more, 'So, how long have you been single?" She says, 'About two years,' I think to myself, shit, that's not as long as me. 'How about you, Mr. Johnson?' she says with a playful smile, I can see it on her face. "You wouldn't believe me if I told you. 6 years. I had a lot of potentials in between but they never lasted long enough to be an official relationship as my daughter calls it," I say, adding air quotations.

She turns around and says, 'I have a hard time, believing you are single,' I almost start laughing as I say, "Not many women want a single Black man in his forties with 2 teenage kids," She smiles and says, 'I guess that's true, but I think I'm the exception to that,' she says while smiling. I smile and say, 'You're an exception to prove a point. I think you're insane, to be honest," She then says, 'I don't know why you think I'm insane now. I thought I was pretty insane when I put my feelings out there, I was waiting for you to tell me no,'

My eyebrow raises, "Really? You were waiting for me to tell you no? Woman, you look like a whole meal," I say, using slang. "If you believe it or not, you're one of the most attractive women I've seen in a long time. Then again, Baltimore isn't filled with attractive people, I mean look at us," I say, being a little sarcastic. She turns to me and says, 'Thank you,' The truth of the matter is that she is prettier than Keisha. Keisha was a very beautiful woman but when you look at Maria, you can tell that she is needlessly beautiful. You can tell she has a lot with her, though. When you look at her long enough, she has something on her mind that she can talk about but would feel guilty with disclosing. She was also patient and kind. You can tell that she radiates kindness, kindness like this is something you don't get often.

She may be defensive, but I can tell why. People have taken advantage of her kindness as they have mine yet she's at the stage where she realizes the stage that maybe being nice to everyone isn't easy and that being kind isn't easy, some people never get out of that. It's then that more time passes as we go for a second round. I didn't have any more condoms but she was nice enough to have a few. She thought I would shame her for a moment but I thought about how much pleasure I could give her in one go.

I look at the time and realize it's time for me to go. We say our goodbyes and we kiss, something I didn't expect from her and I don't think she expected to do it. As I call for a Duber, I wait and I notice the obscene price. She then tells me, 'You're not paying that,' I look at her and say, "Really?" She says, 'We didn't go out to dinner and I'm not going to allow you to pay for something so superfluous. I'll just drive you down,' she says that with so much honesty that I just let her have her way.

As we get ready to leave, I couldn't help but smack her ass and she just let me. I felt kinda guilty, I finally composed myself, finding that I'm enjoying her too much. We get ready to leave in her car, I notice something very off: We passed Gregor. They exchange a nod and I ignore asking any questions. because she's an adult and we all have our personal things. If anything, I'm more worried about the fact that I should be screwing some rich asshole's daughter and I would hate to disappear because I broke his poor little's girl heart from the way she described her father but I don't like to assume.

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