Chapter Eighty-Six - Save Lucifer

Start from the beginning

Armed with the Impala and Sam at the wheel, they found Amara's 'chamber'. Eden had zapped over there and sent over her co-ordinates. It was some sort of factory add on - a colossal circular silo-type structure that certainly hadn't appeared circular when she was in there the first time.
"Thank you for not going in until we got here." Sam told her, walking over to hug her.
"Believe me, it was tempting." Eden sighed.
With Metatron and Donatello out of the car and ready as they'd ever be, they walked in.

Inside, Lucifer was chained to the centre of the building with his arms outstretched as though he were the original Messiah. His face was battered and scarred, his head hung low from lack of energy.
As they walked down a makeshift ramp leading down to the main area, Lucifer lifted his head, squinting at the daylight seeping in from outside.
"Oh, goodie. Larry, Curly... And my precious Eden. Search and rescue?" He greeted through a fat lip. As Metatron ran to him and began untying him, he looked up to see Donatello. "Oh, wow. It's one of dad's favourites. Your ticket finally got punched, huh? It's wacky isn't it? One minute, you're nobody. And then 'shazam', you're Joan of Arc. Let's hope this ends better than that."
"Alright, can the small talk." Sam ordered. "We're busting you out of here."
"Well, seems fair. Since I wouldn't be here if you lunatics hadn't set me up to be grabbed by Amara." Lucifer retorted as the scribe began to chant something under his breath.
"You're gunna help us take her down." The Winchester told him. "If you say no, we'll just leave you here in Abu Ghraib."
"Please say no." Eden smirked.
"You'd love that, wouldn't you, dearest? Why would I say no? You see what she's done to me?" The Devil sneered. "Do I look like a fan?!"
"I thought you were into the kinky games." Eden shrugged.
"Only when it's you." Lucifer replied.
"Yes, well, never going to happen." The girl glared.
Metatron's chants began to get louder as he tried to free Lucifer from his God-power bonds.
"Did you grab this from the steno pool?" Lucifer grimaced, glancing over to the scribe.
"You understand you'll be working with your father." Sam continued, taking a couple of steps forward. "Is that gunna be a problem?"
"That's family." Lucifer gave a weak smile. "This is bigger."
"So, you'll table all the old stuff?"
"What happens in Heaven stays in Heaven." Lucifer smirked.
The scribe's chants began to get louder again, they seemed struggled and a little forced.
"Metatron, are we getting any closer?" Sam asked. "Dean can't stall forever."
"I'm narrowing it down." Metatron replied between chants.
A minute or so more and Lucifer dropped down from his pedestal with a relieved sigh.
Eden rolled her eyes and walked over, putting his arm over her shoulders to get him down onto ground level.
"Eden, come on, we gotta zap out of here." Sam urged.
She held out her free arm.
"Grab on, kids." She sighed.
Metatron, Donatello and Sam touched her arm and she closed her eyes.
But nothing happened...
"Oh, bollocks..." She breathed. "I think Amara might be onto us."
"Guys, I'm feelin' her!" Donatello announced with a shake of his head. "She's coming!"
"Impala?" Eden looked to Sam.
"Impala." He nodded, walking over to take Lucifer's other side and together they began to walk out. "Alright, Metatron, let's go."
"It's okay, Sam. You go." The scribe replied.
Everyone turned to face him.
"What? Come on!" Sam ordered.
"I'm serious." Metatron's face showed just how true that was. "I got this."
"No, I'll stay. She won't hurt me." Eden huffed, taking Lucifer's arm from around her.
"Can you guarantee that?" Metatron retorted. "You're needed for the fight yet to come, Eden. You might be the missing link God and Lucifer need to take Amara down. Your connection with her will be her undoing. All of you go, before she gets here."
Eden looked back at Sam, who urged her back.
She let out a frustrated cry of anger as she took Lucifer's arm again and vacated the building.
They quickly piled Lucifer into the backseat with Donatello before Sam threw Eden the car keys.
She wheel-span out of there as fast as the horsepower would let her.

They thought they'd made it. They almost had it.
And then Amara appeared in the middle of the road, making Eden slam on the emergency brakes as quickly as her enhanced speed allowed.
As soon as the car came to a stop, she shoved it in reverse. But Amara held out her hand, keeping the Impala steadily in place.
Eden let out a string of curse words as she slapped the steering wheel over and over.
She looked over at Sam.
"You go. I've got this." She uttered eventually, getting out of the car before he could protest.
"You really aren't worth sparing." Amara told the three remaining in the car. "You disappoint me, Eden."
She raised her arms out to do who-knew what. But she never got the chance as the Impala and Eden disappeared.
Eden landed first before the Impala landed on her.
"Ow." She grumbled from under the chassis.
"Eden!" Sam exclaimed, quickly getting out of the car.
"I'm under here." She growled, holding out a hand so he could see.
Sam grabbed it, pulling her out from underneath.
She had a cut on her hairline, leaving a blood trail down to her eyebrow and off the tail end, slipping down the side of her face. Sam examined it, gently touching the area around it.
"Ow, I'm fine. Just... Where the Hell are we?" She frowned, pulling away from him to survey the area - consisting of a dark, all too familiar room.
Sam grabbed her hand, pulling her out to the War room with Lucifer and Donatello in tow.
"We're home." He grinned as Chuck came from the corridor on the other side of the room with a six pack in hand.
"Occasionally, I do answer a prayer." He said, taking one of the beers from the pack and placing the rest on the map table.
"I don't remember praying to be crushed by a bloody Chevy." Eden glared. Chuck looked at the cut on her head and went to snap his fingers. "No, no, I've got it. It's not often I get wounded. I want to let this one do its thing."
"Suit yourself." Chuck shrugged as he and Lucifer made eye contact. He sighed. "You've changed."
"You've changed." Lucifer replied.
"Well, still... I'm really, pretty much, the same." Chuck threw his index finger down as though he were flicking a light switch.
A bright white light came over Lucifer, emphasising his wounds. When it faded, the wounds were gone. Lucifer stood up straight, all but glaring at his father.
"I'm gunna leave this awfully awkward situation and go get Dean..." Eden spoke up, zapping out before anyone could say anything.

"So, that went... Well." She said as she made eye contact with Dean, who was in the middle of a forest.
"You got Lucifer?" He asked.
"We did." Eden nodded.
"What happened to you?" Dean frowned, motioning to her forehead.
"Had Baby dropped on me." The girl shrugged.
Dean's brows raised.
"Is she okay?"
Eden glared at nothing as she ran her tongue along her top teeth.
"I'm fine. Thanks for caring. And yes, she's okay too. Just sat in the middle of the Bunker until Chuck moves her." She huffed, moving over to him. "Come on, let's go re-join the awkward family reunion."
"That bad, huh?" Dean chuckled.
"You have no idea." Eden sighed, grabbing his shoulder before zapping back to the Bunker.

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