Chapter 8: Cuts and Stitches

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"Good morning sunshine," Declan said as I focused back on his handsome face.

"Where's my mom?" I blurted out, I had meant to say something like "hi" or "you too", but it kind of just came out. 

"I don't know. I called you like five times since you kicked me out of your house and when you didn't pick up the fifth time I came to check on you. The door was unlocked so I let myself in, as soon as I saw that the bathroom door was shut and couldn't hear any signs of water running I knew what you had done. It all went by in a blur after that, I wrapped towels around your bleeding wrists, legs and neck to help stop the blood flow and then I held you until the paramedics showed up, I didn't think of finding your mother," Declan said nervously, I could tell that he felt guilty for not thinking of where my mother was.

"But wouldn't she have come out of her room when the ambulance showed up. We have stairs she would have heard them running up them," I said frantically. Butterflies grew in my stomach at this realisation and I felt like puking, my mum should have heard them.

"We'll go to your house and check on her," Ivy offered piping in to our conversation for the first time.

"Please," I replied. Ivy and Nick quickly excited the room, hand in hand they walked out the door quickly.

"Mind if I lay down next to you?" Declan asked. He wore a half smile on his face and had already started to remove his purple converse.

"You're going to anyway." I let out a quite laugh before clamping my mouth shut and grinding my teeth to take the edge off the pain that had shot through my neck.

Declan tossed his shoes over in to the corner of the makeshift room and gently climbed on to the bed, he strategically placed himself in a position so as to not hurt me but also so that he was touching me. The heat of his bare skin against comforted me and I soon began to relax. Declan interlaced his fingers through mine and I let out all the tension I was still holding inside me.

"I'm glad your here," I whispered after many moments of silence.

"Well I'm sure not glad you're here," Declan stated. 

"I'm sorry," I mumbled guiltily.

"You promised." He wore a sad expression on his face and I could tell he was dissapointed in me for breaking my promise. I was disappointed in me too.

"I can't do it Declan, I'm weak." And with that I broke down. Tears stung my eyes and poured down my cheeks. Declan grabbed a tissue from the counter and wiped my cheeks and eyes, he 'shh'd' me continuously and wrapped circles into my bare back to calm me down but I didn't. I pulled on the collar of his shirt and drew him closer, ignoring the pain in my hands. I grasp the collar of his v-neck shirt and cried in to it until the horrible sobbing stopped. I rested my head in the wet patch of Declans shirt that I had made with my tears. He held on to me in that position until I fell back in to a dreamless sleep.

Declan wasn't their when I woke up this time. But I could hear him, he was outside of my makeshift hospital room yelling at a doctor.

"You can't tell her now she's struggling with her own problems. Wait a couple of days until she's better and then we can tell them both!" Declan argued with the doctor.

"We don't know if she's going to get better, that's why we have to tell her," the doctor replied calmly. They couldn't have been talking about me, I had some cuts and stitches but I was going to heal. The doctor made it sound like whoever they were talking about wasn't going to live.

"Please let me tell her than," Declan begged him. 

"You've got to do it as soon as she wakes up, we might not have much time," the doctor urged him. 

I heard the doctor walk away and quickly sat up in my bed, ignoring the pain that had immediately shot through my body. Declan entered the room, hi eyes were puffy red and bloodshot, he had been crying. I gave him a pleading look, "What's going on?"

"Ivy and Nick found your mother in her bedroom," Declan informed me.

"Well that's great news right?" I asked him frantically.

"No, she was unconscious," Declan said.

"What do you mean?" I snapped.

"She overdosed Hazel, they pumped her stomach but they don't know if she's going to make it," Declan sobbed.

 A/N- I know some of you have been waiting a long time for this and I know it's terrible but this had to be done, I also know that some people don't like this story and think that it is garbage and that I should delete my account. I'm not going to let you hate on me and hide behind a fake account because you're a bully.  I know this isn't the greatest of stories but it's my first draft also it is my first attempt at writing so don't be rude. I'm not going to delete just because one person tells me so, writing is something I love and I'm not going to give up on it. Picture on the side is for my haters.

Violet Adrenaline [Watty Awards 2013]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang