chapter 15- among us

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i crack my knuckles, waiting for wilbur to start the call. i quickly type out a message saying that i was going to get water and i'll be back in a few seconds, and wilbur responds with a thumbs up emoji. i head downstairs as quickly as possible, grab a water bottle, and run back up the stairs. i almost miss the last stair, i'm trying to run so fast.

by the time i get back, everyone's already in call. it's exactly who tommy said it would be: wilbur, tommy, tubbo, schlatt, nihachu, quackity, fundy, karl, and scott all in the call. i take a deep breath and join.

"-chose her for a reason. she's super chill. you guys will like her," i hear tommy say as i join.

"oh, really?" wilbur eggs on. "surely she's not just-"

"shut UP you nimrods!" karl yells, trying to talk over wilbur.

"she's here, you idiotas," quackity says in an obscure mexican accent. i laugh quietly.

"yeah. hey guys," i say, still laughing.

"hi, val!" tubbo exclaims. i giggle.

"hi, tubbo!" i respond with equal enthusiasm.

"to those of you that haven't met her, this is the girl that won my love or host," tommy says proudly.

"yup, hi, i'm valerie, it's nice to meet you guys," i say, smiling, even though they can't see me.

"hola, señorita," quackity says, keeping up the obnoxious accent. (hello, miss)

"hola, señor. cómo estás?" i respond, grinning. quackity gasps. (hello, sir. how are you?)

"¿puedes hablar español?" (you speak spanish?)

"sí, sí." (yes, yes)

"she's a keeper, tommy. she's a keeper." i let out a hearty laugh. i like him.

"okay, big q, stop hogging her. valerie, i'm fundy, hey, how are you?" fundy asks awkwardly.

"i'm doing well," i say. "how about-"

"don't talk to him, val," wilbur warns. "he's a furry." i gasp and fundy groans.

"you're joking!" i exclaim sarcastically. "a furry!"

"hi, valerie," karl says. "my name is-"

"aren't you friends with mr. beast?" i interrupt. i regret it as soon as I say it, i hope I don't sound like a fangirl. however, karl lets out a gasp of happiness.

"she knows me! she knows me!" he says gleefully. i smile at his happiness.

after i introduce myself to everyone, scott sends out the among us code. i join and change my character to purple with black cat ears.

"you're like corpse with your cat ears," tommy says.

"choke me like you hate me but you love me," i say in a deep voice, earning laughs from everyone.

"low key wanna date me when you fu-" quackity begins, being quickly cut off by wilbur shouting "hey hey hey."

we start the game and i get my role, crewmate. i run around, doing my tasks, hardly running into anyone. suddenly, niki walks up to me. i smile.

"hi, niki," i say, even though no one can hear me. suddenly, a dead body is reported.


"noooo!" i shout. "¿quién mató a mi amigo español?"

"what the hell does that mean?" wilbur asks.

"who killed my spanish buddy?" i translate. i look in the discord to see quackity wrote a message.

love or host - tommyinnitWhere stories live. Discover now