chapter 4- i didn't know you were into blondes

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i drum my fingers slowly on my desk while finishing up my calculus homework. it's been about 5 hours since my interview, and i'm growing more and more anxious. the interviews were wrapped up a few minutes ago, so the results should be sent out soon.

    i sigh. i can't concentrate on homework when this chaos is engulfing all of the room in my brain. i decide to go outside and take a walk.

    the los angeles air is cool and crisp in the evening. when i first walk outside, the cold air hits my face suddenly and makes me shiver. i take a walk around my neighborhood, admiring the street lights and glittering stars starting to appear. but once my nose starts getting frostbitten, i speed walk back to my house.

    to my surprise, there's a car parked in the driveway.

my mom's car.

    "what in the world..." i mutter to myself as i walk through the door. that's when i see her: my mom, sitting at the kitchen counter, trimming her fingernails. she looks up at me just as i walk through the door.

    "valerie!" she exclaims, walking over to me with open arms. i accept her hug and practically melt into her arms. it's been a while since i've seen my mom: considering she works full-time, her and my dad usually get home after i've gone to bed and leave in the morning before i wake up.

    "you're home early," is all i can manage to say.

    "just wanted to check in, see how you are. how's school? how are your friends? any cute boys in your class?" she gives me a wink.

    "jesus christ mom." i let out a small laugh.

    "answer my questions, sweetheart."

    "i'm doing well, school's going well, my friends are doing well, and there aren't any cute guys in my class." technically i didn't lie. the only boy i find remotely cute lives on the other side of the world.

    "what about matthew?"

    "god mom, no. he's been one of my best friends since third grade. he's dating paige, anyway, and i'm not a homewrecker."

    "you're a pretty girl, val. you're bound to have attracted at least SOME attention."

    "mom. please. enough with the boy talk. i don't know how much more i can take."

    "suit yourself. have you eaten dinner yet?" i shake my head. after being so stressed out about the interview and homework, i forgot to eat dinner. my stomach growls.

    my mom walks over to the cabinet and gets two packets of kraft mac and cheese. she's never been much of a cook, that's all been up to me. but i guess she wanted to make me something. not that i'm complaining with the food choice.

    we eat the mac and cheese in comfortable silence. it's hard to strike up conversations when you rarely see each other. after a few minutes, i try to make small talk.

    "how's work?" i ask.

    "same old, same old," my mom replies. "any tests coming up?"

    "i had a history test today. none coming up as far as i know."

    slow-paced conversations like this continue for a while until my phone vibrates.

    "can i..." i motion to my phone, indirectly asking if i can check it. my mom nods. i open my phone to see a twitter notification. one new direct message.

    my heart stops. i totally forgot about love or host.

    i tap the notification and check to see who dm'ed me.

love or host - tommyinnitWhere stories live. Discover now