Chapter 1

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Today was a big day for you. You just got out of the academy to get your licenses to teach. You are 25 years old and very excited about what your future will bring. You will be traveling to the village hidden in the leaves to start your career of being a teacher to young ninja. Your specialty was mainly going to be regular English and Math courses, though. No one said you could not kick ass, but you feel that the leaf village had its fair share of chunin and jonin to train them.

You suddenly hear a loud rumble from your stomach. "Hmmm, shouldn't be too much further now." You say as you rub your stomach. Sure enough you see the gates to the village you believed you would spend the rest of your life in. "Here we go. I think I am to be greeted by Lady Hokage and a few more ninja." You say as you get closer.

You spot a woman who appears to be older than what she looks, but she is very beautiful, with light blonde hair and beautiful skin. Next to her you see another woman with dark hair, a ninja in a green jumpsuit and a bowl cut. But the last ninja stands out to you the most with silver hair. He appears to have one of his eyes covered and wears a face mask. He was reading some orange-colored book. "Greetings." The man in the jumpsuit says. You smile to him. "Hello, I am here for the teaching position that was open." You stop in front of them. "Yes, you are (y/n) (y/l/n), am I right?" the blonde hair woman spoke. "Yes, ma'am." you state. She smiles and puts her hand out to shake. You take her hand and firmly shake it. "Well let me introduce myself. I am Tsunade, the Hokage of this village." She then points to the dark haired woman. "This is my assistant Shizune. She will give you a tour of the village." Shizune smiles and waves to you. She points to the man in the green jumpsuit. "This is Guy sensei. He will help you carry any of the things to your new home." "Greetings, beautiful young lady. I hope you love it here in this village I love to call home." He states proudly. Lastly, she points to the silver haired man. "This here is Kakashi sensei. He will also help you carry your things." Kakashi gives you a closed eye smile and a wave. "Nice to meet every one of you." You say to them with a closed eye smile.

Once introductions were over. Lady Tsunade got back to her office to do her work. While Kakashi, Shizune, and Guy helped you get acquainted with the village. Shizune opened the door to your new apartment. It was beautiful with cream-colored walls and a good sized living room and kitchen. Your couldn't wait to see the rest of the wonderful home. "Thank you for helping me guys." You say to all three of them. "Kakashi and Guy you can go back to training your groups if you would like." Shizune tells them. "Sure thing." Guy says. As the two men leave you hear Guy whisper to Kakashi "I seen that look in your eye Kakashi." He chuckles. They then leave. "Whenever you are ready I will lead you around the village. I'm sure your hungry from all the traveling you have done to get here." Shizune says. You unpack.

You walk through the village to Shizune stops in front of a shop. You see a blonde hair boy, a pink haired girl, and a black haired boy. You also seen Kakashi. They all seemed to be waiting on their food. The blonde hair boy says to Kakashi. "Thanks for treating us to ramen Kakashi sensei." The young boy says with a huge smile. "No problem, Naruto." He tells him. You and Shizune walk in. The pink haired girl speaks, "Hi, Shizune." She looks at you with a curious look. "Hi." She says. "Hello, I'm (y/n)." you say. "I'm Sakura." She smiles. "These are my teammates. Sasuke and Naruto." She points to the dark haired boy and then the blonde. "Nice to meet you." You say. "Oh and this is Kakashi sensei." She tells you. "I met him earlier, but it was nice to meet you three." You and Shizune take your seats. You end up sitting next to Kakashi. The shop owner comes in front of you. "What would you like today ladies?" Shizune speaks up. "Just give us 2 barbeque pork ramen please." With that said he walks off to cook.

You look at Kakashi still reading his book. "That must be an interesting book." You say giggling. He rubs the back of his neck and stutters. "Uh-uhm, yeah. In fact it is my favorite book." He tells you. You found this man to be very interesting. Hopefully him and I will get to know each other and be good friends. You think to yourself. The food comes and y'all chow down. After the walk-through of the village Shizune gets back to Lady Tsunade and you get back to your apartment to prepare for your big day tomorrow. You will be teaching a new group of young ninja in the making.

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