"Uhh fuck! I hate how quickly this is gonna make me cum... I'm so wet!"

"Ok fine! I'm sorry! Just untie me! Let me touch you!"

"Oh no baby girl! You lost your opportunity! You're gonna watch me fuck myself and then I'm going to sleep!"

She gasped sinking the toy now into her core bucking her hips forward to further show the girl the arousal dripping over the length, deep panting moans and a thrusting palm driving Camila insane as her own wetness began to form

"Lauren please! Don't do this to me!"

"Uhh! It feels so fucking good Camila! Oh my god.."

She cried out reaching a hand into the Youngers hair as she continued to pleasure herself in front, the torture of watching relentless killing her effortlessly as the trembling thighs beside her shoulders began to resemble that of a pending high, deep waves of white heat lashing at her needing core

"Mmm fuck! Camila I'm gonna cum! Ugh shit!"


"Shit! Oh my god yes!"

She cried out leaning over to thrust the toy deeper as she began to quickly fall apart over the now regretful girl, the pounding desperation releasing as Camila squirmed in a frustrated husk, slick arousal dripping down against the toy before the length remove from her body landing quickly back into the girls mouth now hungrily tasting back the sweet arousal

"You could have tasted this on my pussy.. but you wanted to fuck with me so.. jokes on your baby!"

Camila went to protest with her furrowed brows but Lauren only pressed the toy deeper forcing her to gag with an arched back before snapping the length from within her lips grabbing hold of her jaw with a harsh grip

"I know every game in the book Camila! You can't play with me!"


Lauren awoke the next day feeling rather unsettled about the whole situation with the mysterious man upon the drive, she was yet to receive the email that could potentially set her anxieties aside leaving her to do nothing but worry for the girls heart.. if it was the man she was assuming it to be she could only imagine the drama to follow..

She stood dressing the twins within their room in matching cute sweaters while her girlfriend showered to prepare for the day, Parker as per usual happily accepting while Colton only tangled his arms in a difficult swarm of reluctance.. it only seemed as of lately he'd been rather tense and high strung, not his usual chilled out style she'd expect..

"Colton baby you need to give me your arms! You have school soon!"

"NO! I not go to school!"

He snapped before reaching a hand up to slap Lauren across the face.. of course it didn't hurt given his tiny 3 year old stature but even Parker gasped back with a shocked open jaw, Lauren in her crouch very calmly snatched his wrist holding it in the air as she removed the sweater from over his head walking him silently out into the lounge to place him sitting into the corner of the couch before looking down on him with disappointed stare

"You do not hit! Now you are going to sit there and calm yourself down do you understand me?"

The boy immediately erupt into a deep bout of sobbing tears, his kicking feet and flailing arms screaming out into the room as Lauren did nothing but silently walk away, her sharp stern tone one the boy had never been issued breaking his heart as he burnt his lungs out with a trail of screams

"What the fuck is that about?"

"He's overwhelmed.. just needs to be alone for a minute trust me!"

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