12.) Passions Erupt\Love Ignites

Start from the beginning

'The feeling is mutual,' he says to me. "Russians are very straight-forward," I say, putting my hand on my cheek and biting my pinky nail, "And Latinas are fiercely loyal to their men. Would you consider dating me if I knew I would die for you if we got to that point?" He keeps driving as he says, 'It's been a long time since I've had that kind of loyalty. Even longer since someone has actually said it,' He then says to me, 'Do you care that I have two children well into their teenager years?'

I look at him and say, "No, I have no intentions of having my own children," 'Good,' he says, sounding completely satisfied, 'I don't want to waste your time. You deserve to be respected and your time not being wasted,' I smile as I say, "As long as I've been around you, you haven't wasted an ounce of my time. If anything, I feel like I've been wasting your time," He smiles and says, 'You're thinking too deeply about it,' Did he just use slang? I nod and I say, 'Maybe, but I want to ask you something that may be a little uncomfortable. Why are you divorced?" I say, cutting to the point.


I sit and try to understand what she's asking me. She's asking me why I'm divorced, I've had plenty of failed dates and this is one of the most successful dates I've had in a long while. I think to myself, why am I debating this? Honesty has always been the best policy for me.

I look at the GPS and see how long I have, it's then that I say: "I'm single because my ex-wife cheated on me," I see her eyes showing sadness but I continue, "My ex-wife realized she was bisexual about six years ago. After that, we got a divorce but she made it messy. She had a lot of false allegations against me,' I say, being completely up-front with her. "She pretty much put me through hell," I say, calmly, "But I got through it. It was my kids who were the real casualties," I say, sadly.

"They don't know fact from fiction, to be honest. Right now, I'm going through a rough patch with them, and sometimes, it's hard but I've never been upset at being a father. I've just been upset that this has been a reoccurring thing. As a parent, you want your kids to be happy," I say. "Though I feel like I fell short of that, I feel like I put them through hell," It sounds almost cathartic coming from me.

I noticed she hadn't her phone out for a while, it made me wonder if she was listening to me or if she wanted this old man to shut the fuck up and take her home. I then say, "I'm sorry, the reason why I'm divorced is because my wife cheated on me, and ever since then, I've tried to be a good dad but it's been hard," She then puts her hand on my hand and says, 'You're a good man. Maybe you just attract shitty women sometimes but I'll tell you this, Mr. Johnson. Telling me all of that has not made me find you any less attractive. If anything, it makes you more admirable in my eyes,'

I'm glad that I'm dark-skinned I think to myself. Not being able to see me blush makes it easy for me to pretend I'm not blushing. I found myself, slowly looking at her breasts and how perfect they were. I looked at her thighs and how shapely they were. That wasn't the most attractive thing about her, though. It was her mind that stimulated me most, the fact that she knew how to carry a conversation and let it flow. The fact that she had no problems attacking an issue at its heart, you could tell she was a woman who wasn't afraid to have a hard conversation even if it wasn't about her.

I had been focusing on the road the entire time but I kept sneaking quick peeks at her, looking at how she smiled whenever she saw me. For me, I never took the time to dress attractively as I could, I had let some of my maintenance go. Whether to conserve costs or because I didn't find any use in it, it's then that I feel a gentle hand on mine as she says, 'We're almost to my apartment,'

I see her GPS, bright and showing me how close we were to her apartment. She then says, 'I want you to focus on the road. If you stop, I'll stop,' I feel her unzipping my pants, I had never done this before, I think to myself. Do I say that to her? No, let me keep it to myself, I take a deep breath and I focus on the road. It's then that I feel a nice but stern grip on me as she starts to work the shaft, she gets close to my ear as she says, 'You're so well-endowed,' and I feel it, the blood flowing from one head to another.

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