Soon enough the door opened again and the sight that met me was just... wrong... awfully wrong. Sunghoon in his usual work clothes, the sleeves of his white shirt rolled up. A tray in his hand with a bowl and a glass of water. He was clearly struggling.

"How do you even knock with this in hand? I could barely even open the door," he complained making me let out a small laugh.

"I kick it with my foot," I stated, "and open with the elbow."

"Ah... I'm so stupid," he muttered making me let out a small gasp.

"Excuse me, what was that?" I questioned making him look over at me, "what did you just say you were?"

"Oh shut up," he muttered and placed the tray down on the bedside stand, "so... I think I made ramen."

"Think?" I questioned him as he handed me the bowl.

"I might've messed up," he hummed at me and I let out another small laugh, "what?"

"How do you mess up ramen?" I questioned him as he handed me a pair of chopsticks, "wait... when did you become my maid?"

"The moment you fainted on me," he clarified and placed the glass of water on the bedside stand.

"Hm, I should begin doing that some more," I stated and tried to eat some of the ramen he had made.

"So?" he questioned with an expectant look on his face.

"A bit undercooked," I stated and frowned slightly, "did you forget to add the spice? You just added the sauce didn't you?"

"I did?" he questioned in shock and I hummed at him.

"I think you did," I nodded at him.

"Woah... how can I be incapable of making ramen," he muttered and leaned back in his chair.

"I'll teach you," I assured and continued eating the ramen, despite the bland taste, "what did you even eat before I came?"

"I ordered out," he shrugged and folded his hands across his stomach.

"You'll have to learn how to cook before I resign," I muttered before continuing to eat some more.

"I want you to take it a bit easier from now on," he spoke up and I looked over at him with raised eyebrows, "don't work yourself as hard as you've done so far. When you make meals for me, I want you to eat with me. A portion for yourself as well as one for me. We'll eat together, ensuring neither of us will suffer from fatigue."

"Are you sure about that mr. Park?" I questioned him.

"Right now we're not under work conditions," he pointed out to me, "you're taking the rest of the day off... and I'll try and see what I can do for dinner."

"Are you sure that's a good idea?" I questioned and he shrugged.

"We'll see, won't we?" he questioned, "hopefully it tastes good. You've been losing a lot of weight lately. You should eat some more."

"Hm," I hummed, "who was she? Nari?" I gathered my courage and asked him making him quirk his eyebrows up at me.

"Just an aquintance," he waved it off.

"I know it's not business," I pointed out to him, "business aquintances doesn't make promises, they make deals."

"Why do you want to know who she is?" he questioned, "are you jealous?"

"In your dreams Park," I snorted, "I was just curious... she was pretty."

"She is," he nodded in agreement, "we're the same age... not the most intelligent, but she'll do."

"You never told me how old you were," I pointed out, "you know my age."

"My birthday falls in December," he replied.

"I asked about your current age, not your birthday," I stated with a small smile, remembering how he had told me off for a similar answer he just gave me.

"I'm 20," he clarified.

"20 and already an intimidating business man. You'll end up looking twenty years older than you actually are if you keep frowning as much as you do," I commented at him.

"And you aren't?" he questioned me.

"Oh, but you see. I have this amazingly youthful skin, and I don't frown that much," I explained making him let out a small snort.

"Then what do you call it?" he questioned.

"Call what?" I replied in confusion.

"That thing you do with your face when I'm pissing you off," he said and pointed to his own forehead.

"I am simply furrowing my eyebrows of pured pissed-ness," I replied making him let out a full on laughter.

It was weird seeing him smile that widely, it was weird hearing such a sound escape from him. It was beautiful.

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