How We Reminisce

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 Looking back is ok. Not looking back on the things you enjoyed most in life would be like saying NSync never existed, or you never did the Macarena. Sometimes looking back is a good thing. Maybe when you look back on that memory you think about the something you regret, or maybe something wish you could go back and re-live.

          I didn’t know what my surprise was. It could be a nice car, or sex, or he’s proposing. Ok so maybe I have a wild imagination, and it is a little farfetched, but it could happen. I slammed the door behind me, walking down the stairs calmly and collectively to Nyland’s car. I opened the door and got in. “Hey you.” I said. He smiled at me with his perfect white teeth. He was dressed casually so I knew that it couldn’t be some fancy restaurant.

“Are you ready for the time of your life?” He asked. The truth is, I wasn’t ready for the time of my life. Of course with him, I was, but something else was on my mind, and for once in my life it wasn’t him. “Sure why not?” I said casually. He was pretty shocked. He knew that I loved surprises, and for me not to care was out of character.

“Ok, can you sound more excited than that?” He asked me. I was going to try, because if I didn’t, I knew he wouldn’t have a good time, and I could ruin it for both us. I never wanted that to happen. He started to pull out of my drive away, still glancing at me every time he could to hear my answer.  “Oh I’m so excited!” I said, trying to sound stoked. He looked at me in disappointment. I never wanted to act like this on our first official date. “Seriously what’s up?” He questioned. I had to be completely one hundred percent honest with him.

“My parents—” I began. He didn’t let me finish. He knew exactly what I was talking about. “Right the rents. They hate me, don’t they.” He murmured. “My dad loves you, it’s my mom.” I explained. It was more confusing than ever. Why couldn’t I have a normal family? Daughters and mothers are supposed to get along, with their girl talks, shopping, and going with them to get their ears pierced for the first time.

The dad is supposed to have the hard time with the boy. Sometimes I just wish it was switched. “Neither do I. She’s weird about that stuff. I’m not gonna let her get in the way.” I said. He reached out and grabbed my hand and kissed it. “I’m glad you’re sticking up for yourself.” He smiled while the car stopped and we reached out destination. It was Stepping Stone Lake.

          “I had feeling we would come here.” I said. He chuckled at me. “Well this is our place.” He added. If you could pick a significant place in your life, the place that changed you, that renewed your hope, that made you believe that your dreams do come true, the place that made every evil, pain, and despair vanish into thin air. That place would Stepping Stone Lake. I began looking around. Nyland got in the back of his car, and got a soft green and white blanket out, with a basket.

 “No way a picnic!” I exclaimed. He laughed at me. So maybe my surprise wasn’t a car, but I would take a picnic with Nyland, than a car any day. “It was a beautiful day, so I thought maybe we could eat outside, enjoy the nice blue sky, green grass, blooming flowers. It’s just a perfect day to hang out with the perfect girl.” He said, as his lips lightly touch my cheek. He laid out the blanket and put the basket on the green grass, we sat down and he began getting the things out.

“I brought Hot Dogs and your favorite chips—” I stopped him before he said my favorite chips. “Pickle flavored?” I asked. If he could remember my favorite potato chip, he is for sure a keeper. “How could I possibly forget those disgusting chips?” He said. It was the last thing he got out, but it meant the most. “You are the best.” I said, blushing. We began eating. Usually I was nervous eating around him, but this time it didn’t matter, his presence made all of my fears and troubles go away.

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