Goodbye my friend

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Harry's POV

I watched as the doctors swarmed him. The machine continued to beep and the doctors began cpr. The put a tube down his throat to try to help him breathe but they couldn't get through. Minutes passed even though it felt like hours. Then the doctor looked at his nurses and shook his head. Zayn came back in "No don't stop, please don't stop" he screamed tears running down his face.

"I'm really sorry" the doctor said "time of death 2:21" the words echoed in my head as I processed what was going on. Zayn went over and tried to do cpr himself.

"Come on Liam open your eyes for me"

"Zayn let's go" I said dragging him away, he planted a kiss on his forehead and left. I drove him home to give him some time and went back to the hospital to check on Louis. I got to their door and I watched Louis through it. He was sat in a chair next to Liam holding his hand. I heard him say "come on Liam wake up now, you said you'd never leave me, you'd said you'd always protect me" he wiped his face and styled Liam's hair the way he normally would. "There you go mate" he said and let out a little laugh. I went in and he stood up. I ran over to him and got him in a hug. "My best friend, my best fucking friend" he cried into my chest punching at my shoulder. I helped him over to the bed and the nurse came in to take Liam.

"No please don't take him yet" Louis said.

"I'm really sorry but I have to" she looked over at me and I nodded at her.

"It's okay Lou he is safe" I cuddled up with him and stoked his hair like I did every night before he moved out and he fell asleep.

We got out the hospital and I helped him over to the car, he hadn't spoke in a while but I could tell he was hurting inside. I took him to my house before going down to his and told the boys to pack there stuff. I needed Louis near me so I could keep an eye on his so got them all to move in. They bunked in with my lads and some took the spare rooms.

The next few days went pretty slow with people coming and going out to work. Louis was quiet but I could tell there was something on his mind. I found hi:in the gun boxing against the bag. This was how he relieved his anger. I sat in the corner and watched him. He finished and slid down the wall next to me.

"Harry?" He asked me.


"Will you be my boyfriend" I smiled. He was so cute and I leaned into kiss him.

"Of course I will" I kissed him again and he kissed me back. "Go take a shower sweaty"

"Not joining me?" He said winking.

"Don't temp me" I said getting up. I went to my office and sat at my laptop. I sent out texts to say liams funeral was next week to the other branches. Zayn came in.

"Your alright mate?" I asked him. He looked white.

"I can't believe he's gone" he said slumping down in the chair looking at the floor.

"It will get easier, I'm going to get rid of liams and Louis branch so you don't have any reminders. I will ship them to other branches."

"Thanks" he replied to me with a sympathetic smile. I left the room the boys to go to the train station to go down to Doncaster. They packed their things and left the house in the next few hours. I got all of my branch to move into the house down the road leaving me, Louis and Zayn some time to get stuff sorted.

Knock, knock, knock

Someone was at the door that was opened by Louis. His hairs was still wet from his shower earlier.

"What the fuck are you doing here, how did you find me?" He asked

I got closer to the door and saw it was his mums boyfriend.

"Your mum wants to see you" he told Louis.

"She made her choice when she kicked me out"

"I told you I'd win" the man told him. Louis threw himself at the man Kuching him repeatedly in the face. I dragged him off.

"I think you should leave" I told him. He got in his car and five off holding his face to stop the blood falling. I looked at Louis who was laughing.

"He has that coming" he said and I laughed. I'd done it. He realises now we have to use violence.

Louis POV

I knew what I was doing when I hit him. I won't let anyone push me around anymore. I did that and looked what happened. My best mate got killed. I missed Liam with my whole heart and knew I had to get justice for him and his family. They loved me as I was there own and would be so disappointed if I didn't tell them so I had to give them a call.

"Hi, mr and mrs Payne it's Louis"

"Oh, hello Louis darling how are you?" Mrs Payne asked.

"I'm good thank you but I'm on my way over I have to speak to you"

"Okay that's fine I'll put the kettle on!" I pulled into their drive and knocked on the door. Mrs Payne came to the door and let me through.

"Do you know where Liam is, he stopped messaging a few days back" I sat down.

"About that, Liam was killed I'm really sorry" the tears fell down her face.

"Louis what are you talking about?" She asked me.

"I'm really sorry" I looked down I couldn't see her upset.

"Get out!" She shouted. I got up and left as she slammed the door behind me. I drove home not seeing straight because of the tears In my eyes. I sat in the car and messaged her.

The funeral is tomorrow.

She had the right to know after all it was her son.

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