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Liam's pov 

I got home from school and waited for Zayn to open the door. He wouldn't let me drive myself because I had to 'earn' that. Which I thought was ridiculous because I brought the car not them. I got through the door and Harry was stood in the kitchen.

"Report Liam" He said. From now on me and Louis have a report at school where every teacher marks down how we were in the lesson with a simple cross and tick. Out of my five lessons I got four ticks and one cross. Maths. Mr Malone. I couldn't help throwing a ruler at his head when he turned around but as always I got caught. I got it out my pocket an gave it to him. 

"Not bad, tomorrow if you have a cross I wont be as happy. This is your only warning" He stated giving me back the card and I took it and went upstairs. 

"Tommo how you doing?" I asked him as I came through our door. He was sat on his bed drawing. He has always been good at drawing but would never admit it. 

"I'm good, I had to see stuff today though" I heard him say. I could tell there was something else on his mind though.

"What's wrong" I straight up asked him. 

"They've killed people Liam" he whimpered. He had always been the popular kid at school but had a major soft spot only I got to see. He trusts me with anything. I walked over and put my arm around his shoulder. 

"We will be ok here lad" I said giving him a lad hug. "Let's go watch TV" and with that we both made our way downstairs. We slumped down in the sofa next to each other. Niall was sat on the other side of the room with another blonde boy I hadn't seen here yet. I stared at him as he watched me. There was no way I was going to look away first. 

"Got a problem?" He asked standing up and walking over to me. 

"What's your problem" I replied to him standing up leaving Louis on the couch. He walked closer pressing his forehead to mine. 

"Say that again" He said in a furious tone and I shoved him away. He landed back on the couch but quickly shot up again and we we're face to face. 

"Oi, Liam, Roman sit down now" I heard a voice behind me say. It was Zayn. This is one of the people I wouldn't mess with here. Him and Harry. I sat back down next to Louis and glared over at Roman who was still starring. Zayn put his hand on my shoulder. "Office now" he barked and I followed to see a now wound up Harry. 

"Liam, why was trying to fight Roman?" He asked not taking his eyes off of mine. 

"He was starring" I whispered starring at the floor. He walked over and picked my head up by my chin. 

"Did you see the state of Louis?" He asked and I nodded. "If you lash out again I won't punish you but I will punish Louis on your behalf, do you understand?" I could feel the tears forming in my eyes. I saw what they done to Louis and knew he wasn't strong enough to take another beating. 

"Yeah, it won't happen again" I replied looking at him keeping in my tears. 

"Good now you can leave" I made my way back to the front room but Louis was gone. I looked at Niall and Roman. Roman looked annoyed so I knew he had the same chat with Zayn that I had with Harry. 

"Where's Louis?" I asked Niall who replied with "Zayn took him" 

Louis Pov 

Zayn led me into the end room of the corridor. There wasn't much in it. Just a punching bad and a row of gloves. 

"Get some gloves on" He said as he pulled so white ones on. I put on some royal blue ones and took off my shirt. He took of his top and started to hit the bag.  "You come here when you angry from now on anytime, you have a go."  I walked over to the bag and started hitting it thinking about Jaxon and what he had said. Me and Zayn sparred at the bag for about an hour before I made my way upstairs and took a shower. 

When I got out Liam was in the room. "Harry said we need to get ready and look smart" He told me and I raised an eyebrow. "That's all he said" I nodded and got on some black jeans and blue top with my light blue denim jacket. I looked over at Liam who had beige trousers on with a white top and beige jacket. We both went into the bathroom and styled our hair. Obviously Liam took longer than me. We headed downstairs and there stood, Harry, Zayn and Niall. Harry and Zayn had suits on and Niall had a similar outfit to me. We got in the car, Niall and Zayn in the front with Harry in the middle of me and Liam. 

"Behave yourself" he whispered in my ear. I didn't know where we were going but I was nervous. We pulled into a abandoned looking building and I followed as we went inside. There was six other men stood in front of us. We lined up and Harry and Zayn went with one of the men to a room. The tallest of the strange men came over to me and touched my cheek. I flinched. 

"What your doing here pretty boy?" He asked me but before I answered Liam spoke up.

"Leave him alone man" He said before standing in front of me and closing the gap between me and the man. The man to my surprise backed off and went back to his crew. We waited for about 10 minutes in an awkward silence until Zayn and Harry were back. 

"You got a few new ones here Harry" The man said

"Yeah we have Louis and Liam" Harry said pointing at us as he said our names. Harry walked passed up to leave.

"I've got my opinions" The man continued which made Harry turn back around. 

"And what might they be?"

"Louis is the pretty boy who your protecting, well and Liam is his bodyguard"

"What makes you say that Kai?"

"Louis flinched when I went over to him, he's obviously had a beating and Liam was the first to step in, I like what you got going on Harry" 

"Don't get any ideas Kai, there's are my men" 

"I wouldn't do that to you Harry" And with that Harry continued out the door followed by us all. We got back in the car and he leaned over to Liam giving him something. Liam closed his hand before I could see and I knew whatever it was I wasn't going to get one so I just starred out of the window.

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