The first time

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Liams pov

The time finally came and Zayn sat next to me on the couch.

"You ready?" He asked and I nodded before getting up and into the car I had my gun in my waist and a knife in my pocket just in case. I couldn't mess this up. I'd thought long and hard about this during the night and hoped if I did this I may have more freedom in the house. We pulled up outside a poor neighbourhood and waited under are out of sight from the nearest streetlamp. 

"Him right there" Zayn said pointing at a boy about the same age as Louis walking into a house. "Go" He told me. I got up and ran over to the house smashing the door open before the boy could close it. He looked terrified as I instructed him to go get his stuff. He came down the stairs with his bag. I though he was going to follow me into the car but no he dropped the bag at the bottom of the stairs and made a run for the back door. I was never the fasted but the adrenaline kicked in and I caught up to him. Hitting him in the back of the head with my gun knocking him out cold. I carried him in a fireman's carry to the car and laid him on the back seats.

"What happened?" Zayn asked me as I put my seatbelt on. 

"Tried to run" I replied looking straight out the window. I looked down at my hands the blood stains where his head was bleeding. It was nothing serious but a little bit inside of me felt bad. I carried him down to the basemen as we didn't have a room sorted for him yet and tied him up. I made sure the ropes weren't too tight but that he couldn't escape. 

"What's going on?" a voice behind me said. I turned around and saw Louis stood there frozen. Before I could answer the kid on the floor spoke. 

"You son of a bitch I'm going to kill you" He whimpered from the floor. 

"Liam what have you done?" Louis asked me wide eyed. 

"Yeah Liam what have you done?" The voice said. 

"WILL YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP" Louis screamed at him. 

"WILL YOU LET ME FUCKING GO" The voice shouted back. Louis pushed passed me and started to kick him in the face. He begged for him to stop but Louis continued. Kicking and punching him all over his body. I could see the colour draining out of the boy so I pulled Louis away. The rage was still in his eyes and his hair was in his face. I knelt down so I was eye level to the boy. 

"You'll stop now wont you?" I asked him hoping he'd say yes. His face was bleeding and he had cuts all over the rest of his body. Louis lunged at him again but I caught him before dragging him up the stairs. He rested his hands on the kitchen island and I could see his knuckles were bleeding.

"I need to smoke" He said pacing around the kitchen. That was what that kick off was all about. He hadn't smoked for about a week and now it was affecting him. 

"Calm down Tommo"

"Get me a cigarette NOW!" He shouted rummaging through the drawers. 

"Everything ok?" Harry asked from the door. 

"Get me a cigarette now!" Louis barked at him. I left the room. I didn't want to be involved with this.

Louis Pov

I needed to smoke and that's all I could think about right now. I looked at my knuckles and they were bright red from the blood of that boy downstairs. 

"Louis don't talk to me like that" Harry said. I was too angry to take in anything he was telling me so I ignored him and continued to walk around. "I'm not going to let you smoke, you've came to far" He looked down at my hand and stopped me in front of him. He held them up. "What happened?" 

"That kid was chatting shit, I don't know what happened I just got so angry" He looked at me and his eyes glued to mine. 

"Well done Louis, now the kid knows were he stands" He said before embracing me into a hug. He rubbed my hair and then rested his head on mine. "Go upstairs and get cleaned up" I got off of him and went up the stairs and into the bathroom. I put my hands in the sink and began to scrub as hard as I could to get the blood off. It took a while but eventually came off. 

"Hey" Liam said as I walked passed his room. I went back and sat next to him. "What was that all about, you haven't lashed out like that for years. Yeah you beat up Jaxon but that anger in you eyes Louis I haven't seen since you moved out" I could see the worry in his face. He was right when I moved out I had a massive fight with my mum's boyfriend. It started verbal but ended up physical. 

"I don't know what's wrong with me. I'm sick of being the lowest on the ladder and when I saw that kid and the way he talked. It remined me of Jaxon so I had to do something about it." Liam nodded and smiled at me. I knew he would understand. 

"Louis, Liam, come down here please!" Zayn called from the bottom of the stairs. We went down and sat around the table. 

"This is Seb" I looked and realised it was the kid I beat up about half an hour ago. He had brown hair and eyes and wouldn't look up. His hair laid in a perm on his head ragged from the beating. "He is the first member of your branch." I looked at Lima who was smiling like he already knew. 

"We have lots of confidence in you boys" Harry started. "We need a branch that lives close so there is a house down the road. When you have enough people you can leave and live there, but you if you mess up once this will be ripped away. Do I make myself clear?" 

"Yes" We both replied. 

"Good, we will meet with the leader tomorrow and will discuss this further" We got up and left the table fist bumping in each other before going to our own rooms. I stared at the ceiling. Shit now I have to step up.

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