A fresh start

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Liam's pov

I was woken up by the sound of banging. What the hell is going on? I got up out of my bed and made my way to the door opening it to see Roman carrying a large box down the stairs. He wasn't the biggest and watched as he nearly fell. 

"Need a hand?" I asked him. 

"Yes please mate" I walked over and took the other end of the box. When we got to the bottom I asked "Where you going?"

"Haven't you heard we are moving house" He replied. I stood there confused but was quickly snapped out of my daydream by Roman. 

"Go get packing" He said and I ran up the stairs. It's not like I had loads to pack. I had my clothes and that was it. 

"Tommo get up we need to pack" I said shaking him, he shot up straight away looking frightened. "Woah calm down bro it's me" He calmed down and sat on the edge of the bed.

"Where we going?" He asked rubbing his eyes and yawning.

"Moving out apparently Roman told me come pack your clothes" He got up and we grabbed out bags putting all of our stuff in it. We had about four outfits each that we had to wear in a cycle after we didn't have a lot of time to pack before we came here. We put out bags by the door and heard our names being called by Zayn. We took our bags and threw them in the back of the car. We had three cars going Zayn's and two other I have never been in. It was a very short drive but when we arrived I was shocked. The house was smaller than the other one. In fact it was alot smaller. The other house was a five bedroom house this looks like a one bedroom flat. We walked in and it was fully furnished. Harry told us to sit on the couch so Me, Louis, Niall and Roman did with Mike and AJ behind us. 

"This house doesn't have as many rooms so people will have to share. AJ and Mike you will share again and so will you Niall and Roman. Louis you will share with me and Liam you will share with Zayn." He addressed. There was no way I was leaving Louis and by the look on his face Louis felt the same way. I was quickly dragged up from my seat by Zayn who took me up the stairs to our new room. There was two single beds either side of the room and I watched as he started taking out his clothes and put them in the wardrobe. 

"Unpack" he told me and I did what he said. My plan was to lay low for a while. I didn't want another beating my chest was already fucked. 

Louis POV

I stayed where I was sat as the others went up to their rooms leaving me with Harry. I didn't understand why I couldn't share with Liam and Zayn and Harry shared. I watched as Harry brought the last of the stuff in from the car including my bag. 

"Come" he ordered and I followed him to the top floor. There was three floors in the house and our room was the only one on the top floor. When he opened the door there was only one bed, a double bed in the middle of the room. 

"Where's my bed?" I asked him. He turned around smiling at me 

"There" He said pointing at the bed. "We will have to share" My heart dropped to my stomach. No way was I sharing with him. He is the reason I am here. He is the reason my chest is so fucked up. It's all these little things he's done. 

"I want to share with Liam" I told him and he turned back around to face me. 

"Too bad, Liam is staying with Zayn so you gave to stay here" 

"I'm not staying here" I told him making my way to the door with my bag but as soon as I opened it he slammed it shut again.

"Remember what happened to Liam, and what happened to yourself when you went against me Louis" I could see the threat in his eyes. I knew this wasn't my opportunity. I went back and sat on the bed as he went back to the wardrobe. I was now closer to the door than him and if I ran I would get out before he caught me. I waited until the right moment before I flew to the door and threw it open. I sprinted down both flights of stairs leaving my bag so I didn't have the extra weight. I ran out the front door and could hear him chasing behind me. I hid behind a wall before running again. I couldn't hear him behind me and I looked back. He was gone. I ran into the city and from there made my way back to my old house. I fell to my knees. I ran the whole was and was knackered. I locked the door making sure to put the chain across and went up to bed. I looked in the mirror and admired my chest. It looked awful so I put a top on and looked at my clock. It was only 7pm but I needed to sleep and was out like a light as soon as my head hit the pillow. 

I woke up and looked over at my clock. It was only midnight but my throat was so dry from the running. I got up and got changed into some black joggers and a red top. I made my way down the stairs and into the kitchen to make a cup of tea but stopped dead in my tracks when there was someone already sat at my dining table. 

"Hello Louis" He said pushing me against the wall and smashing his hands either side of my face. I could tell he was angry that I ran away and decided not to answer him. He turned me around and smashed my head into the wall pinning my arms behind my back. I felt a rope tie them behind my back before he lifted me up and took me out to the car. I tried to kick him but he was stronger than me and held my legs. I lived in a quite neighbourhood so nobody saw me. He lifted me out the car and put me over his shoulder. We was back at the house. I felt him throw me onto the bed and realised we was in our room. 

"If I take these off will you run?" he said smirking

"No I won't I promise" I was frightened he was going to beat me again but he didn't. He took my top off and his before he put some shorts on. He dragged me under the covers. I faced away from him but he dragged me closer to his body before spooning me from behind. 

"Now I have to keep and extra eye on you silly boy" I heard him say before he kissed the back of my neck. I don't know why I ran and I regretted running home. "We will talk in the morning" I heard him say and with that I fell asleep in his arms. 

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