A normal day

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Louis Pov

beep, beep, beep

Ugh not again. I rolled over and looked over at my phone. Great 8:32. Why can't my alarm wake me up I'm already 10 minutes late and I'm not even up yet. I get dressed and leave for school getting in my car and driving faster than I should but who cares. I pull into the the school parking lot and hop out the car. I get into the building and make my way to class.

"Louis Tomlinson want to explain why your late?" Mr Malone asked me as soon as I walked into the room. I hated this man with a passion just as much as he hated me.

"No not really" I replied making my way to my seat. "Detention" I heard him say as I walked away but I just chose to ignore it. It was a daily thing anyways so it doesn't bother me.

"What's up Tommo?" I heard Liam ask as I sat down. He's been my best mate since we were about four.

"Just didn't wake up" I replied. He didn't mind when I was blunt to him cause he's known me for so long.

"Fair enough lad" The lesson went fast and soon enough it was break. I made my way to my locker and put my bag away. Slamming the locker shut to see Liam down the end of the corridor with Jaxon. Jaxon was the most annoying kid in my year and just got under my skin. He wasn't popular but tried to pick fights all the time. Today was Liam's day.

"everything alright Payno?" I asked taking out a cigarette and making my presence really obvious to Jaxon.

"Mate you two are so strange"

"Jaxon lad your stood here with no mates so piss off yeah" And with that Jaxon pushed passed me. But this wasn't the end. "At least I have a family" I knew what he was talking about. I live on my own after I didn't like mum's new boyfriend. I turned around and in one swift motion my fist made contact with his face. He was on the floor but I kept hitting  him until I felt Liam pull me away. I took a step back and saw Jaxon on the floor, he wasn't moving.

"Get up you prick" I barked but he still didn't move. Shit.

"Let's go Tommo, we'll take the day off" I followed Liam out leaving Jaxon on the floor. We got into Liam's car and sat in silence until I spoke up.

"He spoke about my family man"

"Yeah bro he deserved what you gave him and more don't worry about it" I turned up the radio and listened to Roman Kemp announce the next song. When we pulled up to Liam's I got out and let myself in. We went up to Liam's room. I knew where everything was in his house, I practically live here majority of the time when I don't want to be on my own.

"Want some food?" He asked

"What have you got" I replied taking out my phone.

"Um mum brought avocados the other day or we have crisps"

"Fuck the avocados bro bring out the crisps" I said and he laughed. I connected my phone to his speaker and completely forgot about Jaxon the kid I'd just left for dead at school.

Me and Liam spoke about life but mainly sat in silence on our phones. That's what I liked out our friendship. We're not all over each other all the time and only speak when it is very necessary.

"Bro I better get going" It was 6pm. Liam had a nap and the time flew.

"It's alright bro, I'll pick you up for school tomorrow cause you left yours at school"

"Yeah that's calm cheers man"

"In a bit" He said and I shut the door. My house is only down the road so I didn't mind walking. I put in my air pods and put my phone in my pocket. I could see my house but a hand wrapped around my chest spinning me round so I can see my attacker. It was Jaxon.

"Think your so hard now?" He said and I knew he was going to try and jump me so I struck first. Smacking him right in the mouth before he could hit me. He got up and starred before turning around and walking off knowing he messed up coming here. It all happened so fast I didn't see the man stood under the tree outside my house. I took out my keys and unlocked my door but before I could shut it another hand struck through pushing me back down the hallway shutting the door. But this wasn't Jaxon this time. He was tall and had a black leather jacket on with black jeans. He was tanned and had dark eyes and hair.

"Like beating people up I see?" He asked me and I could sense the anger in his face.

"H-he went for me first" I stuttered. I didn't know this man and he was in my house. He flew at me pushing me up against the wall. I felt a metal barrel hit the side of my temple and then he said. "You know what that is don't you" I nodded. It was a gun.

"What's your name?"


"Well Louis, I saw what you done to that boy and I have to admit I was impressed. I've heard a lot about you. I know you live here alone and I know your popular at school. I even know that your abut to get fucking expelled. Is that right?" I nodded.  "Don't just fucking nod. Talk"

"Yeah, your right"

"I like you Louis, go get a bag ready for a week and come back down. Don't be long" I ran up the stairs and grabbed a bag. I threw in loads of clothes and some shoes as well as deodorant. I didn't know this man and I knew it was stupid to go with him but he has a gun and I have no choice. I went back downstairs and followed him out to his car.

"Where are we going?" I asked him

"You'll see" He responded and that was all that was said for the rest of the drive.

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