Office Manners

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When I stand I'm nervous as to what or who is behind me, I turn around slowly and it's Mr.Smart. "Mr.Smart you scared me.", I say as my heart skips a beat. Even in heels this man must be at-least 6-8" taller than me. Looking up at him he says, "today is your first day and I would like to get to know you on a more personal level other than the meeting." He pauses. "I know I can come off uptight and to be honest even though I am "the boss" ",he said in a deep husky voice which was very attractive, he paused again and continued. "I want to have at least one friendly face in the office and I'm hoping that it could be you." I was shocked Mr.Smart may be very stern and intimidating, but on the first day he already had revealed a soft spot. "Yes Mr.Smart what time should I mark on the calendar!" I asked him still at the desk I pull the calendar over to the corner of the desk. "That's not necessary. It's personal not business. I'll see you at your desk at 12." I nod as he walks away. I watch him walk back into his office and relax back into his big grey office chair. His build is the definition of tall,dark, and handsome. He was around 6'2, and had beautiful dark olive skin, and his chocolate brown hair complimented his whole existence. He looked over at me staring, I quickly turn towards the break room and go prepare his coffee. "Hi!" I hear from the side of me, I look over and find a tall, strong built man with pale skin and medium length blonde hair. I look over and smile, "hi." I said warmly. "I'm Luke Smart, I approve publishing." He held it out his hand and I shook it firmly. He had no resemblance to Marco. He was just different and much friendlier, I caught myself staring. "Hi. Wait I said that. Um.. I'm the new secretary Jessica Lange. I work under the other Mr.Smart." I laughed nervously. He stepped closer as I held the cup of coffee close to myself. "Yes,Marco is my brother. I could tell you were wondering."
"That obvious?"I said.
"I know we look nothing alike. I'm only a half-brother. I know...Scandal" we both giggled.
"If you ever need anything my desk is across the floor a bit to the left of the conference room." He informed me as I took a step back, bumping into the counter nervously.
"I have to go deliver this."I hold up the coffee.
"Well I hope to see you around Jess." He says as he smirks trailing his eyes up and down before walking away confidently.

I return to the glass office letting myself in and setting the cup of coffee in an empty corner of the desk.
"It took 15 minutes to make coffee?" He said sarcastically.
I stalled nervously and the silence broke by a knock on the glass. I released a breath of relief.

I turned to see Luke and tried to hide my nervous smile.
"Sorry "boss" I kept Jess longer than I should have."he responds for me.
"We still on for lunch?" Luke directs at Marco.
My eyes dart to Marco running his hand through his hair. His face looked focused.
"Yes, I hope you don't mind I invited Jessica to join us." He said as he directed his gaze to me.
"Sounds good!" Luke said.
"Is there anything you need before then?" I asked.
"No we'll probably be leaving within the hour. You can just work on organizing the calendar and answering messages on the phone if any come in." He said Bluntly.
"Of course Mr.Smart." I start to turn.
"Yes." I turn around promptly.
"You can call me Marco."
"Of course Mr. Smart, I mean Marco"I said nervously as I walked past Luke.
"Would u mind closing the door behind you?" Luke said as he grasped my wrist to stop me from walking out.
"Yes. Of course." I closed the door behind me and made my way back to my desk.
I glanced over to both Marco and Luke staring in my direction, I turned my focus back to the calendar and started moving post-its I had made from earlier in the day.

Not even 45 minutes later both men approached me, standing tall over my desk.
"Hey! Ready to go?" Luke said enthusiastically.
I stood up quickly straightening my skirt out, "Yes."
I followed behind Luke and walked at a fast pace because they had long legs that moved quickly, I could almost feel the wind from Marco behind me.
"We're taking the business car."Marco said as he escorted me to a lavish looking black SUV. We sat in almost complete silence. Both men staring at their phones and typing vigorously. At one point Marcos hand accidentally skimmed my calf as he adjusted his hand. He apologized but I was quite happy by the light feeling.

I think I had begun to develop a crush on both the Smart brothers within my first day of working at the company.

We arrived at a beautiful outdoor restaurant with a very fancy name. It made me nervous how could I afford even a side dish, I had only started working, and was practically broke, I just paid rent recently, and was conserving funds.
They escorted me to a reserved table and I sat across from the two.
"So what made you apply with publishing?" Luke asked me while sipping some water.
"I've always loved reading and analyzing literature and I thought that being close to it would be a comfortable job." I replied.
"So how's ur first day going?" Marco asked looking up from his menu.
"It's good. Still adjusting I guess." I say honestly.

We see a waiter come by and halt our conversation.
"Ready?" He asks the table.
He looks at me and expects an answer.
"Oh I'm not hungry." I say timidly.
The brothers exchange a glance.
"She'll have your garden salad an order of the pomodoro, and a side of chicken." Luke orders for me. Me mouth drops open in shock. He gives me a reassuring look and orders for himself. Marco orders as well and the waiter leaves.
I look over at Luke and then to Marco.
"On us, it's your first day. Don't worry about it. We take care of our team." Luke says and Marco nods in agreement. I feel slightly embarrassed.

"Excuse me, I'm gonna go to the ladies room." I begin to stand and all of a sudden a waiter next to me bumps into me spilling water down the whole front of me.

The Secretary (18+)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ