Orson's Smile

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Orson walked to the machine and

Mario passed by

trying to ignore the pain 

in his head.

Orson smiled and


"What's the matter, Mario?" 

Mario stopped and

stared at him 

with questions.

"Nothing," he replied and

Orson nodded,

his smile falling a bit. 


Make sure if you

don't feel good,

go lay down." Orson said

with a fake smile and

Mario walked away.

Orson kicked the machine and

his grin spread across his face,

his eyes becoming larger.



They don't know anything do they?!" he screamed at the machine and

pounded his fist into it,

making it collapse from

the impact.

"Why don't you people

understand that

the red-cloaked figures

are on your side?!"

Madness and Love, Forgiveness and Memories {Book Three of the Mirror Trilogy}Where stories live. Discover now