seven: is that a new admirer?

Start from the beginning

"Chung, why are you really here?" I asked, looking directly at my ex's face this time. "We both know you didn't actually come to invite me for lunch."

She giggled mischievously at that.

"You know me really well, Jagiya" she added with a naughty wink. "I just came here to tell you that Mr. Yang has been looking for you – he wants you in his office right now. Good luck!"

And with a mocking snicker, she left.

"What did you do now, Sooya?" Hanbin asked me with a sneer.

"Shut up" I huffed as I got up to leave.

Truth be told, I hadn't the slightest idea of what I could've possibly done wrong to piss him off this time, so I walked to the vice-principal's office with a bad feeling in my gut because nothing good ever came from that man. I was so mad at just the thought of getting another punishment from him – what do I know, maybe someone's sensitive parents had complained about me or my pranks. But how is it my fault that their kids are weak-ass sissies that can't take a little recreational bullying? So unfair.

Anyway, when I walked into the office I was met by an unpleasant surprise: Mr. Yang, the dean and Chaerin were all staring at me intently, which was already unnerving, not to mention Chanyeol oppa, who was standing to the side watching me with curiosity. I knew immediately that this couldn't be good. My fight-or-flight response was running in full power as all of my defenses had grown to paranoid mode since the moment I started hanging out with baby loser, and now I could smell danger from miles away. One more week and I would be free from her.

But back to what I was saying, I felt uneasy at the four pairs of eyes looking at me like a test subject without uttering a single word, so I thought I'd break the silence and speak first.

"Why the fu–" I stopped and cleared my throat. "Why am I here?"

"You've met the new swimming instructor, Mr. Park Chan-yeol, correct?" Mr. Yang was the one to ask.


Chaerin threw me a murderous look at my nonchalant reply, which I tried to ignore.

"I think it's best if I do the talking" the dean said. "You see, miss Kim, we wanted to talk to you about the swimming lessons."

I was about to interrupt again with a snarky comment when I noticed Chaerin's warning look, so I simply nodded and urged him to proceed with his explanation.

"Mr. Park was injured in an accident recently for which he received stitches on his head" he continued, calmly. "This means he has some temporary limitations when it comes to water sports and exercises, so he's going to need an assistant just until he is fully recovered."

"I've heard great things about you from your P.E teacher" Chanyeol oppa said, smiling at me. "You're a great athlete and I'm sure you'd be the perfect assistant on my swimming lessons."

My eyebrows shot up at that. They couldn't be serious right now.

"You could be his assistant for the rest of the week so you won't have to paint the school anymore" Chaerin added.

They were all looking at me with pleading smiles on their faces, which was already creepy enough. Oh hell no!

"Oh no, no, no. I'm not doing that" I deadpanned, crossing my arms defensively over my chest. "I'm not going to be some new teacher's puppet."

"But –"

"I said no and you can't force me" I cut them off. "You better look for someone else to assist him because that won't be me, and I'm putting my foot down."

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