43: Beginning of the End

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"You ready?" Yami asked as held my hand.

"I think so," I mumbled.

"Look, we'll talk to Julius first and then just go from there. Everything will be fine, ok?"

I looked up at him and smiled, "Ok."

We walked into the conference room together, and I was so nervous I tried to avoid eye contact with everyone. I even stood slightly behind Yami... I just wasn't at all prepared for this.

Yami, on the other hand, seemed like he had absolutely no hesitations. He just kept saying that I'm his family and nothing else comes first... I felt the same way of course, I just didn't have his courage.

"Julius, can we talk to you for a moment?" he called out.

I glanced upwards just slightly and saw Asta beaming with excitement. We were in the midst of planning attack strategies. Did something happen?

"Another Sukehiro? That's the last thing this world needs," Jack cackled.

My eyes widened as I looked over at him, and Yami just laughed.

"So you guys heard, huh?" He asked proudly.

"I think the entire kingdom heard, you yelled so loudly," Fuegoloen smiled.

"Is it true!?" Asta yelled out.

"It sure is," Yami smirked. I still couldn't get over how absolutely thrilled he was about everything.

"Y/n!!!" Asta yelled as he rushed over and picked me up for a hug. "I'm so excited!!!" He put me down and touched my stomach, "We've got another little Black Bull to add to the team!"

"Y-yea, I guess we do," I squeaked out with a nervous smile.

"Congratulations you two," Julius spoke up, even tearing up a bit. "I couldn't be happier for you both."

"Thanks, Julius," Yami smiled. "This does mean that Y/n can't fight though, so we need to strategize something new, and fast."

"He's right," William spoke up. "We need to end this much more quickly than before. If anyone were to hear of this, I can only imagine how quickly they'd come after Y/n and the Kingdom."

"Which means no one else outside this room can know about the baby. Is that ok with you two?" Julius asked.

"We'll do whatever we need to," Yami answered. I was still feeling so nervous and overwhelmed. I couldn't move, let alone speak.

"Y/n," Julius called out, breaking me free from my spiraling thoughts.

"Hmm?" was all I managed to mumble out.

"Is that ok with you too?" he asked, and I just nodded silently.

He kept his eyes on me intensely as he let out a soft sigh. I could tell he was trying to read what was going on in my head, but failing miserably.

"Right. Well then, let's get started. Do you two want to come take a seat?" Julius gestured.

I followed Yami to the table and sat down.

"Has anyone seen Lunelle?" I finally spoke up. "Marx, can you bring her here?"

I noticed everyone at the table glancing over nervously at me throughout the start of our planning, but I kept my eyes locked onto the table in front of me. I was afraid that I would break with just one false move.

Not only did I have to worry about a war and now a child... I couldn't fight next to my comrades. I couldn't help. And I had to stay behind while Yami went ahead.

A Bloody Mess: Yami x ReaderWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu