28: Always Gone

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**Yami POV**

I approached William at his vantage point as the Black Bulls scattered across the village to rescue citizens and take down Spade mages.

"What's the situation?" I asked, puffing on a cigarette.

"It would appear they have only sent in low level mages."

"Huh.. Well there's sure a lot of em."


"Alright. Well, guess we should take care of this pretty quickly."

I got ready to jump down and help the others.

"Wait. I would hold off on getting involved," he called out.

"And why the hell would I do that?"

"I believe this is only the first wave of mages. Their strategy aims to wear us down with sheer numbers before sending in mages who can actually do some real damage."

I stared at him intensely as he spoke, trying to decide if what he was saying was total bullshit or not.

"It's clear our squads have this under control," he added.

The night was dark but clear. It was almost a full moon, so the countryside was well lit.

I looked out and noticed most of the mages had been defeated and our Knights were focusing on the evacuation.

Most of the shops and houses were still lit from families being asked to leave so quickly as the street lamps revealed their path to safety.

I took a long drag of my cigarette, "Looks like you're right... I don't really like just hangin back though."

"For their next wave of troops, I'll use my World Tree Magic. If more powerful mages show up, you will get the opportunity then."

"Won't we be a little outnumbered if there's a third wave?"

"Julius has called in the Silver Eagles as well. They ought to be arriving shortly."

That means Y/n will be here.

I nodded my head silently as I looked out onto the village. In the distance, a small swarm began to form coming from the direction of the neutral territory.

"Looks like they're here," I huffed.

"They sent them in much sooner than I anticipated."

"Mm. Well, I'm off."

"You ought to wait."

"Yea, not really my style, Feathers," I called before jumping down to the battle grounds.

Alright. Let's take care of this quickly so that when Y/n gets here, I can just enjoy seeing her.

As the second squad of Spade troops approached, William grew his big ass tree in the middle of the village.

Quickly, the mages were caught in his branches, leaving very few left to fight.

Damn. That was one way to do it I guess.

I stood there with nothing to do, blowing smoke into the air. Asta and his fan club came running up to me.

"Captain Yami! I think we got em all!!"

"That's your job," I mumbled while taking another puff.

"Hey! You could at least be proud of us!!"

A Bloody Mess: Yami x ReaderUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum