20: Homecoming

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**Yami's POV**

The attackers had disbanded, so the Captains all gathered outside of Headquarters, waiting for further instruction.

They were here, what, 30 minutes? Why'd they come and leave so quickly? They hardly accomplished anything but a quick battle...

I took a look drag of my cigarette, mulling it all over. It just didn't make any sense.

"Holy shit, is that Y/n?..." Charlotte mumbled while staring off into the distance.

All the Captains stopped their chatter and snapped their heads to see.

Oh, fuck...

Y/n smiled brightly while she walked next to Asta who rubbed the back of his neck shyly.

A piece of her hair had changed to a deep red color, and it made her eyes shine like liquid gold. She looked taller, tougher. And she radiated beauty.

A large, black beast walked next to her, cautiously observing the people around who passed by. It's tail wrapped through Y/n's leg.

My mouth dropped open slightly at the sight. She was beaming with confidence, and her mana ran wild. I could sense it even from here.

My heart raced as her head tilted back slightly while she laughed at something Asta said, the sound filling me with joy... It's really her.

"Wow," Fuegoleon whispered.

William let out a soft chuckle, obviously in awe at the woman before us.

"Y/n," Nozel bowed. He bowed for her?! "It's good to have you back."

"Nozel," she smile, bowing her head slightly in acknowledgment. "Hello, Captains. How good it is to see you all again."

"And it looks like you brought a friend," Jack cackled, infatuated more by the beast than with Y/n.

At least there's one man who's not completely captivated by her...

"This is Lunelle," she introduced while petting the panther.

She looked up and finally made eye contact with me, "Hey, Captain Yami."

I could barely even get myself to breathe, let alone talk, so I just gave her an upwards nod.

Smooth. Real Smooth.

She smiled politely before getting more serious, "Is Julius here? We should all talk."

Julius? What are they on first name basis now?

Mushroom Head walked out, "Y/n. The Wizard King would like to see you. The rest of you will be called in shortly."

She silently followed him, standing taller than she ever did before she left, while her pet kept close to her side.

She didn't even bother to look at any of us as she walked into the headquarters.

Who is this girl? Even I was a little intimidated...

"When Julius said she had become more powerful, this is not what I was expecting," William noted.

"Isn't she the coolest!?" Asta yelled out. "She has a panther!!!"

"Her mana, it's..." Fuegoleon trailed off.

"Remarkable," Asta's buddy finished off the sentence.

"She's definitely not that same peasant girl," Nozel remarked.

"Even I would have her on my squad now," Charlotte smirked.

"Yami," Nozel called. "You worried?"

A Bloody Mess: Yami x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now