8: Mission

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I woke up the next morning pumped for my mission. I was requested!!! I wonder by who... I should've asked.

I ran downstairs to greet my squad mates, "Let's fucking goooo!" I yelled in excitement.

Asta just laughed at me while Magna groaned, "Too early."

"Where's Noelle?" I asked.

"Over here," she called while walking in from the other room.

I ran up and gave her a hug, lifting her up and twirling her around once, "I can't believe we finally get to go on a mission together!"

"Put me down, peasant," she huffed.

"So Magna, where we headed?" I asked.

"You're this excited and you don't even know?"

I just shook my head.

"You're headed to a dungeon to collect any treasures or secrets left behind," Yami called while walking downstairs.

"Good morning, Yami," I flashed him a smile. I saw him blush and quickly look away.

"Seems like you were asked for specifically, Y/n," Magna interjected.

"Oh yea? By who?" I questioned.

"Duh, the Wizard King. Who else?" he retorted.

My eyes widened at the revelation, "The Wizard King!?"

"He's taken an interest in you," Yami added.

"An interest... in me!?"

"Come on kid. Act like you've been here before," Yami smirked.

"Call me kid one more time and see what happens," I threatened.

"Careful Cap," Magna called. "You saw how easily she pinned Charlotte."

"Okay, can we please act like that never happened?" I interjected.

"Not a chance in hell," Yami teased.

I just rolled my eyes and crossed my arms.

"Come on, Y/n! You should be proud!" Magna yelled.

I let out a sigh, "Anyway... you ready to head out?"

"Hey, I'm in charge here. We'll go when I say." Magna demanded.

"Oop, someone's a little insecure," I teased. "Afraid I'm going to take your place?"

"Ha! You haven't even been on a real mission yet!"

I saw Yami staring at me with a grin stretching across his face.

"Mmm. I'll be waiting outside."  I announced.

I heard someone follow me through the door,
so I walked to the side of the hideout, and turned around to see Yami.

"Someone woke up in a good mood," he smiled.

"What can I say? I'm eager to please."

"Does this have anything to do with our conversation last night?" he asked in a flirty voice while puffing on a cigarette.

"I'm sure this will come as a surprise, but not everything is about you."

"Yea, but I think this is," he said softly as he walked closer.

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