31: Escape

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**Y/N POV**

Now that my hands weren't chained up behind me, I could easily lean my back against the wall and rest more comfortably.

The sun had already set for the day, and the moon was shining her brightest, illuminating my prison cell.

It had only been a full day since Vex had paid me a visit, and I hadn't seen anyone since.

They had brought me one other meal, but they left it while I was sleeping again.

I didn't know how long they planned on keeping me alive, but I knew I probably didn't have much time.

As I sat there thinking about my fate, I heard the unlocking of the prison cell door.

I came to attention as five people entered and stood in front of me. Vex wasn't hooded this time, but his new friends were.

The addition of 2 more mages made me really nervous, though. Were they finally here to kill me? If so, it was now or never for my escape...

"Good evening, Y/n," Vex smiled. "Feeling well rested?"

I looked at him blankly, uninterested in his charade.

"You should smile, Y/n. You have a visitor."

The 4 mages took a place in each corner as the well-recognized man walked in. Only now, he looked older.

Streaks of grey ran throughout his slicked back hair and his frown lines engraved further into his skin.

I felt sick to my stomach as he approached me. Every inch of my body was on fire as my senses alerted me of the danger I had grown all too familiar with.

"Y/n L/n, my little protege. How are you?" he smiled.

With the sound of his voice, my horror quickly transformed into rage.

"How ironic it is that we find ourselves here. Reunited once again."

I sat silently, glaring into the man I hated most in this world.

"Come now, Y/n. Don't be rude," Vex said in a snarl as he kicked me once, a sharp pain striking through my side as he hit my ribs.

I coughed up a small amount of blood, and turned my head to spit it onto the ground.

"Y/n, it's nice to see you after all these years. You've caused quite a fuss throughout the Kingdoms. You're a Magic Knight now, correct?"

Vex nodded proudly, "She was recently promoted to Vice-Captain. A little lower rank than she was here, but they have never experienced her full potential... Not like we have."

Both men laughed softly, "And didn't someone say she has gotten rather close to a Captain?"

"Ah yes, the dark magic user," Vex confirmed. "Don't worry, Y/n. We'll kill him last. Just for you."

"I guess you could say you owe everything you have to me," the man crouched down, only an arms length away. "A thank you would be nice."

Seeing both my mentors in front of me gave me all the courage I needed to escape. I was going to leave this place, and kill these two bastards on my way out.

It was going to take every ounce of mana I had in reserve, but as long as they ended up dead before me, I didn't care what happened.

"Savron," I smiled at him with wild, untamed eyes. "You're right. I wouldn't be this powerful without you and your training."

My blood began to boil over as the hatred consumed me. Memories flashed through my mind as I spoke those words.

Flickers of days being chained up from the ceiling, suspended in midair as I took their beatings.

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