41: Closure

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It had been almost a month since Rei and Levi had started training with us. I was splitting my time before the Silver Eagle Headquarters and the Capital Headquarters.

Julius had organized a schedule to where everyone was either on a mission, handling things around the kingdom, or training with us. No one had any down time.

The news quickly spread that Yami and I were engaged, and my Black Bulls were so excited for us. I thought it'd be a distraction to our friends, but honestly, it made them even more eager to fight and win.

The only problem was that I had hardly been able to see Yami... Occasionally, Julius would line up our schedules so that we were at the Capital at the same time, but that almost made it harder.

I never felt like I got enough time with him. Yami would practically have to drag me out of the bedroom to go to training because of how much I just wanted to stay with him.

Surprisingly, he was a lot better at keep his obligations than I was, and he had to constantly keep me in check. When we were together, the rest of the world could fuck off for all I cared.

"Yami, I don't want you to go," I complained as he started to get dressed.

"Do we have to do this every time?" he teased.

"We wouldn't have to do it at all if you just stayed with me..."

He smiled and quickly kissed my head.

"Come on sweetheart. We gotta schedule to keep," he called out while exiting my room.

I groaned while throwing my head back on the bed. He always says sweetheart and princess so sarcastically, and it made me want to do the exact opposite of whatever he said.

Jack was back on my training schedule and I found him already outside waiting for me.

"What're we working on today?" I asked.

"Your healing powers."

I laughed, "You're so fucking sadistic."

"I know," he cackled.

I needed to work on my healing, but it was all he ever wanted to do. He would have me or someone else stab or cut him, and then he would watch as I healed the wounds. Sometimes he'd even do it himself... He was such a weird dude.

He was obsessed with watching my blood spells heal him. I had done it so much that I was able to close up the gashes without leaving any scar behind at all. It was a huge improvement from where I used to be.

I hadn't done any huge wounds, but I figured it wasn't too different than the smaller wounds I tended to with Jack. If I focused, I knew I could do it easily in battle. And with that skill, I could save lives.

I couldn't fix broken bones or anything, but that usually wasn't enough to kill someone anyway, so I could help in all the ways that mattered.

"Do you think you could stop internal bleeding?" he asked.

"Uh, I don't know... I can usually do it on myself if I have enough energy, but it takes a lot out of me. It takes more skill and precision to heal others, but it's actually less difficult."

He nodded along at my response, "Probably because you're not experiencing the pain while trying to focus."

"Yea, probably."

"Should we practice with the internal bleeding?" he asked with a smirk.

"No! Are you crazy!?"

"You should know the answer to that by now," he laughed.

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