29: Torture

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**Yami's POV**

I slowly got to my feet, unsure of what to do next.

"We have to go after her!!!" Asta yelled.

I didn't even bother to turn back to them as they began talking frantically among themselves.

I walked over to Lunelle, and crouched down, touching her softly. I could see just how distraught she was. Her concern matched my own.

"Hey. Can you take me to her?" I felt crazy trying to talk to a fucking animal, but it seemed like she understood Y/n so maybe she would understand me.

Lunelle let out a loud roar. So she understood me, but I have absolutely no clue how to understand her.

I heard footsteps approach me, "She can't take us to her," William called out.

I stood and turned around, Lunelle staying by my side, "And how do you know that, Feathers?"

"I did research after learning about Y/n's new companion. Lunelle isn't like Spirit Magic, she's her own entity."

"Yes, the moon goddess has committed to staying with Y/n for the duration of her life, but they are separate souls, separate beings."

"I would imagine Y/n was endowed with additional power from Tsukuyomi's daughter, but Lunelle's mana is distinct."

"So, Lunelle's not connected to her grimoire? Meaning she can't appear by Y/n's side at will.." Nozel added.

"Correct. I imagine Lunelle would be able to track her, but since we have no idea where they teleported, we would need to find a trace of her mana first."

I looked at the beast next to me while lighting up another cigarette.

Unexpectedly, Asta burst into tears. I sighed as I looked over at him. Poor kid... I feel your pain.

Lunelle walked over to him and began to nuzzle him, wrapping her tail between his legs just like she did with Y/n.

He looked at her with wide eyes. Lunelle had never done that with anyone but Y/n.

"She must trust you," I commented, remembering everything Y/n told me about her.

He slowly pet her, and she purred.

"What are we going to do with her," Nozel asked while approaching the beat.

She let out a loud roar, and it made me laugh softly, "Guess she's stickin with Asta."

"Right!" Asta yelled. "I'll keep her just until we get Y/n back!"

I started walking away, "Come on, Asta!"

"Where are you going!? We have to figure this out!" Nozel yelled.

"To find Finral. He needs to transport me to Julius. Now," I called without looking back.

"Asta!" I yelled again.

"Sorry, sir!" he yelled while chasing after me with Lunelle.

"Let's go get our girl," I huffed.


**Y/N POV**

I woke up in a dark, damp room made of stone. Moonlight was shining through a small, barred window on the wall next to me.

So it's still night time? Was it the same day as the attack? Or had I been asleep?

I felt so disoriented and I couldn't remember exactly what had happened after seeing Kaito in the village square.

A Bloody Mess: Yami x ReaderUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum