32: Alright Then

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**Y/N POV**

Come on, Y/n! Go!

I was internally screaming at myself to move quicker. I was only steps away from the castle entrance, but I still had so much further to go, and my body was on the verge of collapsing.

As I looked out to the bridge that connected the front of the castle to the other side of the moat, I thought I saw something sprinting towards me.

Is it really her?

Tears flooded my eyes as I saw the black blur get closer. I was moments away from losing consciousness completely.

But Lunelle let out a loud roar and that was all I needed to power through.

I took a few more steps forward until she was directly in front of me.

"Lunelle," I sobbed silently. I looked deep into her red eyes. "A-are you sure?"

She gave me another loud roar, reassuring me. With that, I allowed myself to slump on top of her, holding my arms tightly across her neck.

As soon as I was somewhat secure, she took off again towards the city.

I never rode Lunelle. It felt so... demeaning. She was powerful and free, not something to be controlled and constrained.

But as she carried me on her back, it became clear how much she really cared for me. We were connected now, for life.

And just like I would do anything to save her, she would do anything to save me.

My eyes widened as I saw Yami in front of me. His presence made me feel like I was finally safe, and the burning hatred that had kept me going just moments before, fizzled out.

"Y/n, where do you think you're going!?" A familiar voice cackled from behind as my Blood Moon spell ran out of time and the sky returned to normal.

Shit, it's Vex.

"Y/n!!!" Yami yelled out, encouraging Lunelle to somehow sprint even faster than before.

I held onto her for dear life, just hoping I would make it back to Yami's arms.

A portal appeared in front of me and Lunelle, but it was different than the one Vex had used to escape.

Finral is here!?

Lunelle let out another loud roar as she launched herself into the air and through the portal, my eyes locked onto Yami's before we disappeared completely.

On the other side, Lunelle skid us to a grinding halt, and I released my grasp on her, collapsing to the ground.

I looked around as much as I could... we're in the Capital? In front of Headquarters?

Lunelle began pacing in front of me, letting out long growls of concerns.

"It's ok, girl. You did good." I looked at her as she laid down next to me. "You saved my life... Thank you."

I softly rested my hand on her head as my consciousness began fading in and out.

As people tried running up to us, Lunelle stood at attention and roared loudly to keep them away.

I didn't know who it was or what they were trying to do, but I knew I trusted her more than anyone else that would be here right now.

"Hey, Lunelle," a soft voice whispered from behind. "It's ok. I'm going to grab Y/n."

I heard footsteps approach before being carefully picked up off the ground.

"Julius," I said softly while trying to smile. "She must trust you."

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