Chapter 18

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Elsa's POV

3 weeks later

We did our recordings for our new album and right now the photographer is taking Jack's and my picture for the cover of the album. They decided to have just us since we came up with the songs. The rest of our band didn't mind that it would just be us. The photographer chose us to wear white. I'm not sure why, but we went with it. Everyone knows about me and Jack getting married. We told everyone on Jack's birthday. We even got our own mansion, but its not that huge and I moved in with him. We even took pictures of the rings and posted them on the media. 

Right now I have my make up crew getting me ready. They straighten my hair instead of putting it in curls. "Oh your hair looks nice Els," Punzie says. "Thanks," I say. Then they start working on my makeup. "Elsa have you seen your dress," Anna asks. "No why," I ask. "Its the most beautiful dress I have ever seen," Anna says. "Its white what could be beautiful about it," I say. "Thats what I said," Astrid says. "Do you now what Jack is going to wear," Punzie asks. "No, why do you guys now," I ask. "Yeah, but we can't tell you," Astrid says. 

After a while they finish my makeup. I then put on my white dress which reached my knees. I wore white heels to match the dress. "Okay time for pictures," the photographer says. Her name is Kailey Heart. I then see Jack and did he look handsome. He was only wearing a white blazer and white pants. He isn't even wearing a shirt so you could see his chest. "Looking fine as always," Jack says. "Aw thanks," I say. "Okay Elsa I want you to wrap your right arm around Jack's neck and your hand should be touching Jack's arm," she says. I do it and once I do they take a lot of pictures.

She was about to take another picture when I felt like my throat was on fire. I let go of Jack and vomited into a trashcan that wasn't far from where we were standing. Everyone then ran towards me. When I thought I was done I got up, but then my throat felt like it was on fire again and I vomited into the trashcan. Jack was just rubbing my back. "Babe you okay," Jack ask. "Yeah," I say. "Did you eat something bad," Anna asks. "No, I didn't even eat breakfast," I say. To come to think about it I'm late for my period and I never I'm. Could I be.... No I couldn't right. O my gosh I am. I need to take a pregnancy test. I got up and went to the first aid kit. I put a pregnancy test in their in case I needed to check if I was. I know I'm weird. No one saw me grab it. When I grabbed it I ran to the nearest bathroom. I then take it and now I have to wait 10 minutes. I let it rest on the sink while I wait. 

After 10 minutes I checked and it showed 2 lines. That means I'm pregnant. I'm pregnant. O my gosh I'm pregnant. I can't believe this. What would Jack say? Do I tell him? Of course I do, but I need Emma. I then call Emma and tell her to come to the photographer's shop. 

After a couple of minutes Emma tells me to show my face and I poke my head out of the door and then close it when I see her walking towards me. I then hear a knock and I open the bathroom door and let Emma in. "So what do you need Elsa," Emma asks and sits on the toilet seat. I then show her the pregnancy test. She looks at it and gasps. "This isn't a trick right," she asks. "No. I just need your help telling Jack," I say and play with my fingers. "Don't worry I will be right next to you when you tell him and plus I think they would be happy," Emma says. "But what if he leaves me just because I'm pregnant," I ask. "I will knock some sense into him," she says and I smile. 

I breathe in and out and walk out the bathroom with Emma following me. Everyone was at the place Jack and me where taking pictures. "Elsa and....Emma," Jack says. "Elsa has something to say," Emma says. I just stay quiet. "Go on tell them," she says. "I'm pregnant," I blurt out. Everyone just gasps. "Your pregnant," Anna says. "Yeah," I say. "I'm going to be an aunt," Anna asks. "Yes," I say. Then Anna hugs me and I hug back. I then look at Jack and he has a blank expression. He isn't happy or mad. He then smiles and hugs me. "I'm going to be a dad," he says and lifts me in the air. "I'm going to be a dad," Jack says louder. I just giggle. "Congrats you two," Astrid says. "Thanks," I say. "I told you they will be happy," Emma says. "Yeah you were right," I say. "Well I got to go," Emma says and leaves..
"Um excuse me, but I just uploaded the photos and sent them to your manger," Kaylie says. Oh I forgot about her. "Oh thanks. Oh and don't tell anyone else that I'm pregnant," I say. "I wont, bye," she says and we all leave the place. 

"I just remember something," I say. "And that is," Hiccup asks. "I'm going to be fat when I'm 6 months pregnant," I say. "You will be big not fat," Jack says and wraps his hands around my waist. "I guess," I say. "Hey Elsa would you like to know the gender of your baby," Astrid asks. "Yeah I would like to know the gender of my baby," I say. "Do you guys want to go to the park," Flynn asks. "Yes," we all say. 

We get inside the limo and head to the park. "Oh Elsa when would the wedding be," Anna asks. We already have a reception and the place where getting married. We decided to get married on the beach. "In 2 months if thats okay," I say and look at Jack. "Thats fine with me," Jack says. "Oh and we can go dress shopping tomorrow," Punzie says. "And were bringing the boys just not Jack," Anna says. "Wait why are the boys coming," I ask. "We are going to be teaching them about wedding dresses," Astrid says. "Really," I say and look at them. "We thought they would have forgot," Kristoff says. "Okay that's fine with me," I say. "But, why can't I come," Jack asks. "Its called bad luck if the groom see the bride's wedding dress," Punzie says in a duh tone. "Oh and mom and dad are coming," I say. "This is going to be the best wedding ever," Anna says. "Yeah it would," I say and look at the engagement ring and smile. I'm going to be a Mrs. Frost in 2 months. 

We then reached the park and sat at our usual spot when ever we come to the park. We talked for hours until the sun started setting. We then headed home. The boys to their mansion, girls to theirs and Jack and me to ours. Once we arrived I went straight to bed. I put on my pjs and laid on the bed. "Someone tired," Jack says. "Well I am," I say. Then Jack laid right next to me and kissed my forehead. "Goodnight babe," Jack says. "Goodnight Frosty," I say and then I drift off to sleep.  

Here it is. Did you guys like it? Wow Elsa is pregnant what gender do you think the baby will be? A boy or girl? Anyway have a lovely day. Bye for now snowballs.

The Dreamers Meet All 4 OneOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora