I know nothing

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"What are you two doing?"

Yoongi walked in while Tae and I were having a pillow fight, our half melted ice cream had fallen onto the floor and made a giant mess on the carpet, I had Tae pinned to the bed and my pillow up in the air ready to attack while he had his hands up to block the hit, we both turned our heads to look at him and while I wasn't paying attention Tae flipped our positions successfully pinning me to the bed with himself between my legs making me yelp at the sudden action and questionable predicament we had found ourselves in.

I did the only thing I could think of

"Babe! Catch!" I threw the pillow to Yoongi who caught it and looked at it almost in disbelief, and suddenly his face changed and he smiled before swinging at Tae as hard and fast as possible and pummeled him off of me, and then off the bed. The two of them were yelling and laughing as they rolled around on the floor trying to pin each other down and hit each other with pillows while I laughed my ass off on the bed and took pictures of the two of them.

It had been so long since I had seen Yoongi relax and have fun. He's been so busy with work and trying to hide whatever it is about my aunt from me.

My aunt is dead.

She died when I was younger, so what the fuck could she have to do with any of this?

I guess I was gonna find out soon enough.

Yoongi and Tae had pulled apart from each other declaring a tie, I laughed even harder until Tae and I had to clean up our ice cream mess from the floor

"Did you eat dinner or just ice cream?" Yoongi asked me as he smoothed out his clothes

"Ice cream" I smiled as I helped Tae clean up and make the bed

"Lets go to dinner"

"Thank god, I'm starving!" Tae chimed in

"Not you, asshole. Just Ally"

"Oh" he pouted so I hugged him and patted his back

"There there Taehyungie, we'll do lunch tomorrow just us"

"Yes!" He smiled wide

Yoongi and I left and went to a diner together, we sat across from each other and ordered our drinks before opening our menus

"Order whatever you want"

"Does that include answers? Like..what my aunt has to do with any of this?" I asked from behind my menu not even bothering to look up at him, I heard him sigh and drop the menu onto the table

"Someone has been eavesdropping"

"Only a little" I sighed

"After we eat, we'll talk. For now, I just want to have dinner with my girlfriend. She's a stubborn, sarcastic, stupid, bratty bitch. But I love her"

"She sounds like fun" I smiled

"Eh, she can be"

"Rude" I picked up a sugar packet and threw it at his face making him laugh, it felt good to be out with him, just us, and his big gummy smile on display. Lately he's always miserable, he looks tired, he looks stressed, he isn't even laughing or joking around with anyone else at the house and hell knows it's probably the same at headquarters. Hopefully once he talks to me about what he's hiding, he'll feel better and maybe we'll be able to finally move on and just..live our fucking lives.

I'd never ask him to give up his work, I'd never ask him to change, but maybe we could have some sort of normalcy, some sort of peace and comfort. Maybe he could spend less time at work and more time with me.

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