Doing the world a favor

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He sighed and held me a little tighter 

"When I was a kid.. my parents dropped me off to my uncle and never came back. My uncle was an abusive, manipulative asshole, and when he finally got a woman, he let her do whatever she wanted to me" he shook his head "there were other kids too. I didn't know at the time how they were getting them, what they were doing to them, or anything really. I just knew I needed to save them" 

"Yoongi" I whispered as my eyes watered 

"When I was eleven, I put sleeping pills in their food and drinks, once they were asleep I lit their room on fire, once I knew they were dead and the flames were too hot for me to handle, I called the police. When they came with the fire department I told them about the kids in the basement and they saved all of them. All of us. I admitted what I had done, but they didn't charge me with my uncle or his girlfriends murder because of what happened, I had saved thirteen kids" 

"Holy fucking shit" I gasped as I held him tighter  

"I met Kook that night at the police department, he had been sold to my uncle. He was only at the house for a few hours before I set the fire" he sighed and closed his eyes "I had to hear all of the kids crying and explaining what had happened to them and it fucked me up. But I decided I would put a stop to it. Officer Hwan, he took me in, he trained me to be an officer from that day on and when I told him what my plan was he nodded and wished me luck. Told me that I'd be doing the world a favor but to be smart about it. And now..its this" 

"Wow" I sighed out "that's..a lot" 

"They sold me" his grip on me tightened "when I was nineteen I found my parents. Two fucking junkies, they had sold me to my uncle for drugs" 

"You didn't deserve that" I kissed his lips "you know that right?"

"I killed them" he shook his head "I shot both of them, and left" 

"I don't blame you" I cupped his cheeks and wiped a few tears from under his eyes "I'm so sorry Yoongi" 

"They all know my story. But you and Hoseok are the only ones to know about my parents. I trust you. For whatever fucking reason" he sighed and I kissed his cheek 

"Thank you" I whispered and kissed his lips, he kissed me back and traced circles into my skin lightly with his finger tips, and that's how we fell asleep. 

I woke up alone, I felt numb. My chest hurt a bit while I replayed his words in my head, he had really been through a lot. 

It made sense that it shaped him into the person he is today, and I felt bad. 
No one was there for him. 
No one helped him. 
And then after it was all said and done he decided to save more people..he might be a murderer..sure. And he could probably kill me at any time..but he's saved who knows how many people. He's like a fucking superhero, like if the joker decided to stop killing for fun and had a purpose. 
But that makes no fucking sense really. 

"You good Ally?" Jin asked me, I jumped and turned around, I was standing in the middle of Yoongi's room staring into space 

"Yeah, sorry. I was thinking" I shook my head 

"I can imagine. He told us that he told you everything, and that you guys are officially in a relationship?" He raised an eyebrow at me

"We are?" I furrowed my brows and thought about what was said last night in the car after we had sex and it clicked "oh..yeah" I smiled and looked up at him "we are" he chuckled at my reaction and shook his head 

"You need to get dressed, I have a protein shake waiting for you and then you're going to the gym with kookie" 

I rolled my eyes and groaned "Jiiiiiiin why?" 

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