Home Sweet Home

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Yoongi POV
Sensitive Topics Discussed

I sat there in the chair at the head of the table, listening to my family talk over top of each other, laughing, joking around, drinking their coffees, it always brings me a sense of comfort having them by my side and how we all interact with one another. 

"Hyung?" Tae called me


"You okay?"

"Yeah, I'm alright"

"How's Ally?"

The stupid, stubborn, adorable, sexy, funny, quirky, beautiful woman that's probably still snoring like man in my bed. 

I have no idea how I fell for her. 

I have never in my life, ever, trusted a woman besides G, and at that it took me a long time to fully trust her. 
But I trusted Ally before we even met. 
I liked her before we met too. 

Well, officially met. 

She wouldn't remember meeting me while she was at work, I was just another man at a table she served. 
She has no idea that me and the guys have been keeping tabs on her the last three years either. 
We had to. 
For Joon, and requested by Gia. 
To keep her safe. 

I'm trying. 

"She's okay" I nodded "she's still sleeping" 

"I'm surprised Yoongs..you've never had a girlfriend before, but now you're officially with her?" Joon raised a brow at me, making me smirk and nod my head 


"You better not hurt her" Gia warned 

"I won't. She's actually the main reason for this meeting this morning" 

"We don't need all the kinky details of your sex life, we already know she's into freaky shit" Jungkook joked making everyone laugh 

"Yeah we heard and saw it all" Jin laughed as he nudged Jimin, I chuckled thinking about the other night when they got a full view with video and audio of us in the car. 
That needs to happen again. 
I wonder if she would let me tie her up..

"So what's the deal then?" Hoseok asked as he leaned forward 

"Jimin told her why G and Joon wouldn't go to Seoul" 

"Oh" Gia frowned 

"Yeah, so now she feels responsible for our issues with D'Onofrio even though I told her not to" 

"Why would she think the beef with him is her fault?" Kook asked 

"G wouldn't leave because of her, Joon wouldn't leave because of G, I put up the HQ for Joon, fuckface caused issues. She says it all comes back to her" I shook my head "she isn't necessarily wrong. But she isn't right either" 

"We know that" Tae nodded 

"Yeah, but I need her to know that" I took a drag off my vape and slowly let it out "Jimin also told her we have no enemies in Seoul" 

"Boy Jimin was extra talkative" Gia giggled as she shot him a playful glare 

"I can't help it, I love my Ally cat" he smiled and shrugged his shoulders 

"Well tough shit because I'm her favorite" Jin laughed 

"Wouldn't I be her favorite? I'm her boyfriend?" 

"She thought about me while fucking you" Jungkook joked making me choke on my vape and laugh my ass off, no point in denying it. 

"Okay, fair point" I nodded 

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