"I'm sorry for what Atsumu did at you. I'm sorry that I didn't stop him earlier. You guys won't be in this situation if I come earlier to stop you guys from fighting" my head turned to look at him back. "Why are you the one who apologizes? You did nothing, Osamu. It wasn't you who hurt me so why are saying sorry?" I was so confused. Why must it be Osamu who apologizes? It was Atsumu who left me hurt. "Because I want to help you to reconcile with him" he sighed. "I might not say it but it pains me as well seeing you guys fighting like this" he looked at me in the eyes. Again, I was left speechless. The last thing that I expected from Osamu was him to say such a thing. Despite having an unbothered face, Osamu actually cares about the people around him. We're not close but when he said that he cares about me, I can't help but to feel touched and honored. He even apologized on the behalf of Atsumu. I clenched my hands tighter, thinking hard. I couldn't find the right words to reply to him immediately.



I locked the door once I entered the door. I saw Atsumu sitting on his bed and playing with his Nintendo. I let out a sigh and walked towards him. I placed down his food that I bought on his bed. "Eat your food. You haven't eaten today" I said. Atsumu heard me yet he chose to ignore me. "I did the thing you asked me to. She ate her lunch like you wanted so please eat yours" I was still looking at him. "I also apologize on your behalf" Atsumu lifted his head to look at me. "Why did you do that?" he frowned. "I wanted to help you, what else?" I replied. I heaved, "You know, Tsumu. You still have time to fix your relationship with her. Give up on your ego and pride now before it's too late. I'm sure that you wanted to keep her for a long time so please, just end the argument and reconcile" I sat down on my bed.

"She probably hates me already. She even chose to go home with Suna" Atsumu smiled bitterly. "She was just sulking, okay? You heard it yourself last night. Suna said that she just wanted assurance from you and you should have done that instead of acting like this. You told me that you love her then prove me. Prove me that you really love her so I can keep helping you. I did my part because I care about you, I don't want to see you're hurting but if you couldn't help yourself then it's pointless" I burst out. "I gave up on her for you" I sighed. "I gave up on the feelings I had for her because I prioritized you. I know you like her more than I did so I gave her to you and is this what you're going to show me?" Atsumu looked up at me. "You're seriously going to talk about that right now? Are you threatening me, Samu?" he gets up from his bed, grabbing my shirt.

Atsumu is aware of how I felt for y/n. I once had a crush on her, not knowing my twin brother had the same feeling as I. The first time I saw y/n was when Suna brought her to the gym to watch us play volleyball. I was mesmerized. She looked so beautiful and cute. I did try to make move on her but I brushed off the idea of it when Atsumu told me that he likes y/n. We even fought about it. He was insisted on having y/n and felt threatened with me every time. Winning y/n's heart once became a competition for us. We competed with each other to impress y/n until we find out that y/n is dating Suna. That time, everything had changed and I started to witness Atsumu going out to the bar and drink, hanging around with girls, sleep with them, fuck them, and cry his ass out.

It was my first time seeing him like that. He was so broken-hearted. He did that to get over y/n. He destroyed himself and that what hurts me. Witnessing your brother ruining himself because of a girl, I felt like there was a big rock fell on top of me. Sure, I was hurt as well but it wasn't that painful for me. I could still endure the pain. But why is Atsumu willing to destroy himself just because of y/n? And from that, I realized that Atsumu loves y/n more than I did. He never lies when he said that he likes her and that's the reason why I gave up on my feelings for y/n. Because I'd rather lose a girl than losing a brother.

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