Chapter 10 - Sacrifice

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You were by Voldemort's side the entire time when the attack on Hogwarts was happening. 

"Are you sure you do not wish to join?" He asked. you take his hand and lean on him. 

"I do want too, but we are apart for so long. I would rather be by your side for now." You say and smile. He nods and looks at the wand. 

"Its cracking." He said. You looked and he held it out. You took it and looked closely. 

"Your not its true owner." You say and look at him. He looked pissed. You held it out and he took it. 

"Snape. We need him." He said and walked. You followed him.

"Lets bring him to the boathouse. There you can kill him." You say. He looked at you. 

"What. Am I wrong?" You asked. He laughed. 

"No. I just forget how sinister you are." He says. You smile at that and he was right. You were sinister and even laughed as Snape was being bitten by Nagini. 

"Come. We will go to the forest and wait for him." He said and Nagini slithered on you and he held your arm and apperated away. Once there, he called his followers and you let out a small moan, feeling it. 

"Tell me (y/n), after we take over, what do you plan to do?" He asked you. You looked at him and smiled. 

"I plan to marry you. Make an heir and teach them your ways." You say. He looks at you. You then smile and kiss him. 

"That is my plan my love." You say. He gave a nod.

"Yes. I will allow this but its not my ways. It is our ways." He says. you smiled and laughed a bit before he looked as the others appeared. You backed away but stood by his side, Bellatrix next to you. Harry Potter then showed himself and you glared at him. When Voldemort finialy sent the curse at him, you smiled as Harry Potter fell, but Voldemort fell also. 

"Vold..." you started but Bellatrix pushed you out of the way.

"My lord are you ok? Let me help you." She said. 

"Get off me!" He yelled and she backed up. You moved to him. 

"Voldemort. Here." You say and take his arm. 

"Thank you (y/n)." He says and with your help, stands. 

"He's dead." Mrs. Malfoy says. You smile. 

"Hagrid. Take the boy and let us celebrate." He says and you walk next to him. 

"We did it." Voldemort said. You smiled. 

"Yes. Yes! Harry Potter is dead!" You scream in joy and laugh. Your by his side as he tells the school. Your laughing and look at Nagini. 

"Nagini. Go play." You say. She slithers to the students and you laugh but they you see movement and look. 

"Voldemort!" You yell and he looks. 

"That's impossible." He said and backed up. 

"No, not impossible. Neville!" Harry yelled and you both look, just in time to see him kill Nagini. 

"No!" You both yell and you look and glare at him but see him ready to do a spell at Voldemort.

"Sectumsempra!" He yells. You run as fast as you can and get in front of Voldemort, taking the curse. You scream in pain as you feel it shred your back.       

"No!" He yells and you fall. He gets low and takes your hand and head. 

"You can't die." He said. His voice held sadness but no tears were forming. 

"I-It's ok...I...I got..." You say before your arm drops and your life slips away. Voldemort looks at you.

"(y/n). (y/n)!" He says and looks at Harry and glares. He sets you down, pointing his wand at him. 

"You will pay for that." He says.  

Love stops nothing (Voldemort x Reader) | CompleteWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu